An Original And Simple Necklace With Imitation Pearls

An Original And Simple Necklace With Imitation Pearls
An Original And Simple Necklace With Imitation Pearls

With your own hands, you can make jewelry that will be no worse, or even better than finished products.

An original and simple necklace with imitation pearls
An original and simple necklace with imitation pearls

Instead of buying jewelry and risking meeting the same product on a friend or a stranger, you can make an original and elegant necklace with your own hands. Well, if you have a few artificial pearls and a piece of leather, silk or cotton lace lying around at home, then you won't have to buy anything, the necklace will get you for free.

So, to make a necklace with imitation pearls, you will need about one and a half to two meters of thin leather, silk or cotton cord, about 10 pieces of imitation pearls (of the same or different size and color).

How to make a necklace with imitation pearls: Look in the mirror and figure out how long you would like to make a necklace. Attach a suitable string to you and cut twice the length of the necklace, plus 1-2 cm. Cut the string into pieces for pendants (the length of these pieces can be approximately 5 to 15 cm). String two beads on each section of the string, then tie knots at the ends. Tie the finished pieces of laces with beads on the necklace blank as shown in the photo. Short and long laces should alternate.


Helpful hint: if you don't like pearls, crystal beads or beads made of semi-precious stones will also look good in such a necklace. For a necklace that is designed to decorate a summer outfit, bright plastic beads are also suitable.
