Elegant Headband With Imitation Pearls

Elegant Headband With Imitation Pearls
Elegant Headband With Imitation Pearls

An elegant headband is a wonderful accessory that can complement any look, make it more feminine. But it is not at all necessary to buy a bezel from famous designers, you can make it yourself.

Diy faux pearl headband
Diy faux pearl headband

It's nice that the bezel, decorated with your own hands, will be no less original and unique than the one made by an eminent designer. Moreover, I suspect that the taste and sense of proportion among the majority of girls-needlewomen is not less, if not more.


See how easy it is to decorate the simplest headband with imitation pearls. To make the same headband as in the photo, you will need a narrow headband covered with fabric, a small package of imitation pearls, a piece of chain, pins in the color of the chain. All this can be bought in a store for needlewomen or even found at home (for example, take a chain and beads from a boring necklace).

The process of decorating the bezel is simple - we sew a piece of the chain onto the bezel with threads in the color of the bezel fabric, then put on one pearl per pin, bend its open tip with a crochet hook, thread the hook into the chain link and bend the hook even more (with a ringlet). It is better to bend the tip of the pin with small round-nose pliers, but if the pins are very thin, you can do it just by hand.

Helpful Hint: Before attaching pearls to the pins, calculate if there are enough pearls for the entire chain (based on one pearl per chain link). If not enough, hang pearls less frequently.

By the way, if your bezel is not covered with fabric (but just a smooth plastic one), you can cover it with a cloth before decorating, sewing it up from the bottom side (the fabric should also be glued to the ends of the bezel).

Helpful Hint: If you don't like cultured pearls, choose any other beads.

This headband can be worn with a necklace made of the same imitation pearls.
