Pearls In Magic

Pearls In Magic
Pearls In Magic

The pearl gem is of organic origin. It is mined in Russia, Germany, Japan, Panama, India and many other countries. The stone is used to create jewelry, decorative items and clothes are embroidered with it. In addition, pearls have special magical properties, therefore they are suitable for creating talismans and amulets.


Regardless of color and shade, and pearls are black, white, pinkish, smoky and even with a pink tint, the gem is filled with feminine energy. Therefore, men must use it very carefully as an amulet, talisman or amulet. The fact is that pearls are capable of awakening female character traits, while “extinguishing” the typically masculine qualities.

The pearl stone is under the influence of Neptune, the power of the Moon is also concentrated in it. The element of pearls is water, because of this it suits all water signs of the zodiac. The peak of activity of the magical powers enclosed in a wonderful stone falls on February-March and on every Monday of any month.

The main magical properties of pearls

Pearls are a stone that has gained particular popularity in love magic. With the help of it, suckers and very powerful love spells are made. He is also able to rekindle feelings between people who have been married for many years and have managed to forget what passion and tenderness are.

A pearl necklace or bead is a great magical gift for newlyweds. Even our distant ancestors believed that river pearls protect marriage. It protects against cheating, strengthens the bond between husband and wife, helps a woman give birth to healthy children and maintains a generally harmonious atmosphere in the house.

If a girl chooses this precious stone as a personal talisman, then pearls, showing their magical powers, will reveal sexuality in her, make her more sensual. In addition, he will endow his owner with the following features:

  • kindness and responsiveness;
  • creativity, develop imagination and contribute to the disclosure of creative talents;
  • decisiveness and self-confidence;
  • intuition and empathy.

Pearl jewelry, charged and activated, which have become amulets and talismans, help develop psychic abilities. Pearls are especially useful for those who want to learn how to predict events, manage any situations in life, influence other people and see prophetic dreams.

It is recommended to wear a string of pearls when going to speak to the public or hold any important business meeting or negotiate. The stone activates communication skills and relieves embarrassment, tightness. It helps its owner to think quickly, thereby finding a compromise in controversial issues.

For a long time, it has been believed that among the magical properties of pearls is the ability to prolong life, energize. The magic stone rejuvenates, heals many ailments, including severe or chronic diseases. He reveals true feminine beauty.

The magical properties of pearls
The magical properties of pearls

Pearls are used to diagnose the physical condition. If a light stone quickly darkens, in contact with the skin, this indicates a hidden serious illness or warns that soon a person may go to bed for a long time with intoxication, high temperature.

Products made from a precious stone can be used as amulets. They protect from the evil eye, corruption, darkness and energy vampires.

How to charge a pearl amulet

Any new product made of pearls or using this stone is suitable as a talisman, amulet or amulet. Previously, it must be held for half an hour in icy running water in order to cleanse it of foreign energy.

Pearls should be charged on a full moon. The night should be quiet and clear. The pearl amulet is left on the windowsill near the open window. It is important that silvery moonbeams fall on it for at least an hour. Even if the night star goes around the corner of the house, you should not touch the amulet that night, let it lie down until morning.

After the sun rises, you need to take the product in your hands, imagine how energies (pearls and a person who charges the stone) are mixed. And then in a half-whisper or mentally say what the amulet should be conspired to.

Cleaning and charging should be repeated at least once a year. A pearl talisman should not be given to anyone. It is not suitable to become a heirloom and be inherited from daughter to mother.
