Each needlewoman over time accumulates a lot of unused materials, remnants of previous creations, and the like. So that they do not lie dead weight, I propose to create unusual creative jewelry out of them.

Step 1
Necklace from an old bag. First, we make templates for flowers. Cut out small, medium and large flowers from paper. Now we cut out 5 large and 7 small and medium colors from the skin. We connect the flowers with metal riveting. Please note that 5 flowers have 3 parts, and 2 flowers only have two: medium and small. They will be extreme in location. Now we connect all the flowers with connecting rings to each other and attach the chain.

Step 2
Multi-colored necklace. We take a ready-made necklace from chains or make it ourselves by attaching a clasp. We cover some places with tape and paint with acrylic paints or bright nail polish. Let it dry well. Then remove the tape.

Step 3
Necklace made of flowers. If you have unused flowers for appliqués or thick lace from which you can cut flowers, then you can make such a simple necklace. We decorate the middle of the flowers with rhinestones. We connect the flowers to each other with connecting rings. We attach the chain. Done!