Duration - the length of a note, interval, or chord in time. The combination of different lengths creates the rhythm of the melody. Duration can be determined by the shape of the note.

Step 1
The largest currently used duration is the breve. It is designated as a round undrawn note without calm, surrounded on both sides by double vertical lines. Counts 1 … 8.

Step 2
The whole note is written in the same way, but without dashes. Counts 1 … 4.

Step 3
The half note does not have short dashes, instead of them one big one appears - calm. Counts 1 … 2.

Step 4
The fourth note is calm and shaded. Counts 1.

Step 5
The eighth note is also provided with a "rib". Groups of two or more eighths are written under one edge. One account accounts for two eighths.

Step 6
The sixteenth note has a double rib. Makes up one fourth of the bill.

Step 7
Twice shorter than sixteenth thirty-second, even less - sixty-fourth. It counts, respectively, eight and sixteen pieces per account.

Step 8
Pauses also have a duration. Whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth pauses are common. Their style is shown in the illustration.

Step 9
A dot to the right of a note or rest means the duration increases by half. For example, a quarter becomes a quarter and one eighth, half becomes half and a quarter.