How To Determine Where North Is Without A Compass

How To Determine Where North Is Without A Compass
How To Determine Where North Is Without A Compass

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When it's hot outside, few people want to stay at home. And the city is stuffy and dusty. Only suburban freshness saves. In nature, situations may arise different, it is possible to get lost not only in the dense forest of the forest, but also in the open steppe. There is no way without orientation skills. Don't have a compass? Do you know where north is? Without panic, there are many ways to know which direction to go.

How to determine where north is without a compass
How to determine where north is without a compass


Step 1

The first variant of orientation on the terrain is orientation by the Sun. A simple mechanical or quartz watch will help determine where the north is. Point the hour hand at the sun and divide the angle between it and the number in half (the choice of number depends on the season: 1 - in winter, 2 - in summer). This will give you the direction to the south. Accordingly, north will be in the opposite direction.

Step 2

If you are in the forest, then pay attention to the environment. In the forest belt, orientation is reduced to the fact that it is warm from the south and cold from the north. Lichens and mosses grow on the northern side of trees and stones, and dark stripes can be seen on the trunks of pines in wet weather. On conifers, resin appears on the north side.

Step 3

If you get lost in the dark, look for the polar star in the sky - this is the final star of the little bear's tail. Stand facing her, then the north will be directly in front of you.
