Why Sleep With Your Head To The North

Why Sleep With Your Head To The North
Why Sleep With Your Head To The North

Sleep plays an important role in a person's life. If the body has not received the necessary rest, then drowsiness, fatigue or malaise will be felt throughout the day. The quality of sleep is directly influenced by its organization, so it is generally accepted that the body rests most productively on a hard mattress in the position of its head to the north.

Why sleep with your head to the north
Why sleep with your head to the north

Sleep opponents and allies

Whichever way you lie down, you will not be able to fully rest if your sleep is poorly organized. The stuffiness in the room, extraneous noise and any source of light, including nightlights, which many leave in the room at night, will not let you sleep well. If a person has a predisposition to snoring, then this also has a negative effect on healthy sleep.

There are times when insomnia takes on a chronic form and a person does not sleep well. This is accompanied by sleep interruptions, anxiety, increased heart rate, or panic attacks, which people often mistake for nightmares.

Get a good rest. Simple tips on how to relax in the evening are probably known to everyone:

- take a walk in the fresh air in the evening,

- refrain from reading and watching TV shows, emotional conversations, - drink warm milk or tea with honey, - disconnect from experiences and … lie in the right direction.

Harmony of the world in a dream

All processes that take place around and inside a person are interconnected. And even a trifle, which, as it seems, cannot have serious consequences, gives rise to unpredictable events. There is even a saying: "A butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the planet is capable of causing a tsunami in the ocean of another part of the world."

What does sleep have to do with it? Moreover, when falling asleep, a person seems to turn off his will and surrenders to the world around him, which has a strong and direct effect on the sleeping person during all the time he is resting.

The Chinese believe that sleep is the only state of harmony between the world and man (apart from meditation, of course).

The planet has magnetic poles - North and South. Invisible waves have a powerful effect on the life of the entire earth. This effect is not yet fully understood, but some relationship with sleep can still be traced.

Scientists who study biological processes such as sleep have conducted a number of studies. In the process of observation, it turned out that, being in the Western Hemisphere, you need to sleep with your head to the north. This is the only correct position that allows magnetic fields not to resonate and to exclude the effect of geopathogenic zones.

In the countries of the east, the bed is placed with the head to the east; this is a tradition that is not related to the polarity of the planet. A number of researchers of religious texts, including the Koran and the Bible, note that the scriptures explicitly indicate that the faithful should lie with his head to the east, but it is by no means necessary to determine where the east is by where the sun rises from. It was prescribed to orientate … on the water. Moreover, if we calculate the change in the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis, which has occurred over the millennia that have passed since the creation of religious dogmas, it will become obvious that the correct position was to the northeast. This only proves that the ancients also knew about the beneficial resting in the position of the head to the north (northeast).

The opinions of the orientation of the sleeping bed to the cardinal points are adhered to by ancient teachings, yoga and the Feng Shui technique.

Why body position during sleep affects overall well-being so much is not fully understood. But the experience of a large number of subjects speaks about the veracity of this statement.