Where To Sleep With Your Head In Feng Shui

Where To Sleep With Your Head In Feng Shui
Where To Sleep With Your Head In Feng Shui

A person spends in the bedroom up to 9 hours a day. Therefore, it must be made beautiful. To do this, you can decorate the room with flowers, arrange furniture correctly, and fill the surrounding space with incense. But in order for the rest in the bedroom to be not only sweet, but also useful for life, it is worth finding out where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui, in which direction. For example, did you know that heading south while sleeping can bring money and career success into your life?

where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui
where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui

Best sleeping destinations

In fact, there is no better direction where you need to sleep with your head in Feng Shui. Choosing how to go to bed correctly is based on how your bed is set up in the bedroom. After all, if you placed it incorrectly, the rest will be of poor quality, regardless of how and where you lie down. In addition, it is worth considering the energy of each direction.


People who are tired of constant problems and want calmness, stability and silence should lie with their heads in the North. This direction is also good for spouses who often quarrel with each other. Since it has been noticed that people who sleep with their heads to the North are more optimistic, balanced, cheerful, harmonious in relationships, healthy and focused on success. They always get the best sleep.


If you are thinking where you need to sleep with your head in Feng Shui in order to get rid of indecision, learn how to quickly and without mistakes make informed decisions and complete tasks, then the answer is: to the North-East. But note that this direction is not suitable for people suffering from insomnia. It will only exacerbate the existing problem.


A person who sleeps with his head to the East is more spiritual than everyone else. He quickly gains life-giving energy and restores strength, becomes able to quickly solve even the most difficult problems. But this same direction greatly increases the level of personal ambition, so people suffering from increased selfishness should better avoid such an arrangement.

where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui
where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui


People who are too modest and have all kinds of complexes, it is better to lie down with their heads in the South-East. In this case, they will be able to get rid of their inner tightness, become more self-confident, improve their own lives and, of course, fill it with positive energy.


If you want to achieve success in your career and financial independence, according to Feng Shui, it is better to lay your head in the South. Of course, you won't be able to get fabulous money thanks to this, but you will be able to correct your position. Especially if you combine a dream in the right direction and conscientious waking work. However, remember that you can only sleep with your head to the South if you are lonely and ambitious. For spouses and those who are too suspicious and vulnerable, this direction is not suitable.


If you are looking for an answer to the question, where is it better to sleep with your head in Feng Shui in order to acquire business acumen and wisdom in life, then it is: to the Southwest. Sleeping in this direction will allow you to become more practical and down-to-earth people. It will allow you to avoid committing those mistakes that you later have to regret. And, moreover, it will contribute to strengthening relationships at home and at work.

much better to sleep with your head in Feng Shui
much better to sleep with your head in Feng Shui


You can sleep with your head in the West for married couples and couples in love, as well as for those who want to bring a creative spark, romance and sensuality into their lives. Those who are not alone, but yearning to attract change for the better. If the spouses begin to sleep in the direction of the West, they themselves will not notice how their relationship will become more harmonious and passionate, and between themselves a powerful attraction to each other will suddenly flare up. But, mind you, lonely people should not lie down with their heads in the West. Because in this position, sexual energy will begin to accumulate, which they will not be able to cope with.


Sleeping in the northwest direction will be useful for those people who want to quickly climb the career ladder, but do not have leadership qualities. They will be able to feel more confident and relaxed, achieve stability, and quickly get out of the "comfort zone". It will also be useful for an elderly person to sleep with his head to the Northwest, their sleep will become longer and deeper.

What not to do

It is strictly forbidden in Feng Shui to sleep with your head or feet to the front door to the bedroom or to the windows, as well as to place the bed under the ceiling beams. Otherwise, problems with relationships, rest and health cannot be avoided. Well, and so, see for yourself where to lie with your head in Feng Shui.