Why Dream Of Miscarriage

Why Dream Of Miscarriage
Why Dream Of Miscarriage

People dream of dreaming every day, some of them are remembered, and some are not. To see a miscarriage in a dream speaks of some event or memory, and not very good.

Why dream of miscarriage
Why dream of miscarriage

Why can a person dream of a miscarriage?

A miscarriage seen in a dream is an echo of a memory that has long been in the past, but it still does not let go of a person in the depths of his soul, perhaps this is due to some kind of loss or loss. There is a saying that time heals, but in this case, apparently, it is not.

If you had a dream about the loss of a child, it is not yet a fact that this must happen to you. In some cases, such a dream is for something not very good, and sometimes vice versa. Young girls who do not yet have children dream of such a dream that all the plans that she conceived, especially with regard to her personal life, are not given to come true. Or, if a girl who has never been pregnant had such a dream, this dream means that everything bad that tormented her had already left her. And if this dream was seen by a woman who has already given birth and has children, most likely, this is not good.

Perhaps trouble awaits her, or it awaits her children, or the dream tells the woman that she needs to pay more attention to her children.

Dream Interpretations say that if a pregnant woman had such a dream, you should not be upset, it just means that she needs to take care of herself, eat well and walk more in the fresh air.

Sometimes girls dream of a miscarriage that should happen, but then it starts to subside. Such a dream can be dreamed of by a pregnant woman, because she is worried about the child and experiences inner fear. Most often, such nightmares are dreamed of by suspicious girls or in early pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman experienced terrible fear in a dream and saw blood, most likely, she should better monitor her health and follow the doctor's recommendations.

What else does the miscarriage dream portend?

It also happens that a man sees a miscarriage in a dream, as if it were happening to him. Such a dream does not bode well for him, he warns him that all his plans must collapse and he will not reach the intended goal.

If you dreamed in a dream that the miscarriage occurred not with you, but with another girl, perhaps this indicates that your other half is unhappy with you. You dreamed that you had a miscarriage, while you experienced pain, anxiety, this will mean that you will suddenly be overcome by an illness. Oddly enough, if you see a dead baby in a dream during a miscarriage, such a dream will mean that soon you will have a change for the better with your loved one.

If a person is successful, nothing bothers him, there are no bad memories in the past and he had a miscarriage, such a dream will say that all his plans will collapse. Such a dream does not bode well on the eve of some serious business or deal, but rather, on the contrary, bodes well for failure or stagnation in business.
