Liza Minnelli: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Liza Minnelli: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Liza Minnelli: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Liza Minnelli was destined to become a celebrity. Her famous parents thought so, but at the same time they did not really support her talented daughter. And Lisa met all expectations, becoming the star of the American musical.

Liza Minnelli: biography, career, personal life
Liza Minnelli: biography, career, personal life

Childhood and youth

Liza Minnelli was born in 1946 in the United States of America into a family of Hollywood megastars. Her father, Vincent Minnelli, was a popular American director, and her mother, Judy Garland, is a world famous singer. It would seem that nature should have rest on the children of such geniuses, but Lisa refuted this stereotype.

The girl's parents divorced soon after her birth, and Lisa remained to live with her mother. Judy was truly an extraordinary person, and her little daughter learned everything from her mother, living next to her and attending her rehearsals and performances.

But it cannot be said that Liza Minnelli's childhood was cloudless. The mother soon married a second time, she had two more children, and all the worries about them fell on the shoulders of young Lisa. But all this could still be experienced if it were not for the mother's passion for alcohol and drugs. Moreover, the famous Judy was by nature a real lioness, and she could not stand a talented girl growing up next to her, fearing rivalry with her. Therefore, at the age of 17, Liza Minnelli left home in search of her own life path.


Lisa moved to New York and went to work at the Broadway Theater. The management of the theater immediately noticed the gifted girl and began to bombard her with roles. The beauty of Liza Minnelli was that she was equally richly gifted as an actress and as a musician. It was precisely these artists that were required at that time on Broadway for the newly emerging theatrical genre - the musical.

It was in the musical that Liza Minnelli became queen. Soon the musical Cabaret was released on Broadway, which later became world famous. After the release of this musical, Liza Minnelli was bombarded with theatrical awards.



In captivity to theatrical glory, Lisa never forgot about music. It is difficult to say what she loved most in life - music or theater. Her passion was somewhere at the intersection of these arts.

Nevertheless, since 1964, Lisa has been releasing a new album every year, which are always popular. In the 70s, Lisa had a ten-year break in her singing career due to her passion for cinema, but then several very high-quality music discs were released again. In total, Liza Minnelli has released 11 studio albums.



For the first time, Lisa played in a movie at the age of three with her famous mother. But after this incident, Lisa did not experience interest in cinema for a long time.

Everything changed after the production of the musical Cabaret on Broadway. The performance was such a resounding success that it was decided to film it. The main role was offered, of course, to Liza Minnelli.

And she coped with it brilliantly. After the release of the film "Cabaret" to Lisa came truly world fame. For this film, she received an Oscar and many more film awards.

After "Cabaret" there were several more films with the participation of Liza Minnelli, such as "New York, New York", "Arthur", "West Side Waltz", "Time to Live". The star received several more prestigious film awards, including the Golden Globe.

Liza Minnelli continues to act today, does not disdain TV shows and is still a success.


Personal life

In the life of Liza Minnelli, there were four official husbands. For the first time, a star got married while still not a star at all. A certain Peter Allen became her chosen one. Rather, he was not Lisa's chosen one, this marriage was practically forcibly organized by Lisa's imperious mother Judy Garland. At first, the family life of Lisa and Peter went smoothly enough, but soon vile rumors spread that the young husband was in an intimate relationship with his wife's mother. The couple divorced, and it is difficult to even imagine what was happening in the heart of the impressionable Lisa.

Liza Minnelli's husbands also included producer Jack Haley, sculptor Mark Gero and authoritarian David Guest. The longest marriage was with the sculptor, as he balanced the explosive Lisa with his calmness. Well, the most successful was an alliance with David Guest, who tried to look after his emotionally unstable wife. Nevertheless, all of Liza Minnelli's marriages ended in divorce, and now the star is spending her life alone.

In addition to official marriages, Liza Minelli is credited with many novels with famous men. Moreover, she did not disdain easy relationships on the side, being married.

Lisa inherited not only the advantages of the famous mother, but also her shortcomings. Even in her youth, she was addicted to alcohol and drugs. Some of her husbands tried to treat her, but all was unsuccessful until Minnelli herself decided to take on herself. As a result, after a long stubborn treatment, the actress overcame her passion for drugs.

Now Liza Minnelli is actively involved in social activities aimed at the rehabilitation of drug addicted children and adolescents. Probably, here Liza Minelli realizes her unspent maternal instinct.
