Liza Umarova is the most popular performer of patriotic songs in Chechnya. Her biography, career path and personal life cannot be called smooth, but she endured all the hardships and hardships with dignity.

Umarova Liza is not an ordinary singer. She never aspired to the stage, did not seek fame and fame. The main goal of her work is to stop armed conflicts, to convey to the listener that only unity and mutual respect, the ability to listen and hear will help resolve disputed situations on a global scale.
Biography of the Chechen singer Liza Umarova
Liza Sulimovna was born in March 1965 in Kazakhstan, more precisely, in the city of Alma-Ata. Her childhood was spent there. Very little is known about the singer's relatives, she herself is reluctant to disclose information about them, motivating this by the fact that she is afraid of attacks on them.
Liza received a specialized education related to the world of art - she graduated from the acting course of the theater institute in Yaroslavl. But acting did not attract her as her main occupation. For a long time, her main occupation, and one that brought pleasure, was selling books.
Career and work of Lisa Umarova
The very concept of "career" does not fit in any way with the work, the way of life of Liza Umarova. For many years she ran the House of Culture in Grozny, but the war crossed this path, forced the woman to move to Moscow. Lisa took this step in order to protect the children.
And it was the war that served as the impetus for the creative development of Umarova as a singer. She began to write songs that are listened to, like a cry, like a call to reason. The songs do not have a single direction, they can be attributed to three genres at once:
- bard song,
- chanson,
- author's song.
Liza Umarova's songs are extremely popular both in Russia and in Chechnya. Journalists refer to it as "Chechen Lube". At the very beginning of her career, the singer's albums were recorded in an artisanal way, distributed in the so-called "pirate" way in millions of copies.
Personal life of the singer Lisa Umarova
Liza's whole life is about moving, and not on her initiative. Nothing is known about the woman's husband. In all publications about her, only information about children - son and daughter appears. It was because of them that she moved to Moscow when the war broke out in Chechnya. But in Russia, not everyone was happy with Lisa Umarova. She has been attacked by nationalists more than once. And even the fact that the attackers were caught and punished did not allow her to feel safe.
In 2012, Liza Umarova asked for political asylum in Finland while on tour. Her request was not immediately granted. Now Lisa lives with her children in Helsinki, the singer's work is in demand, she gives many concerts. According to her, it was in Finland that she was able to feel calm and free.