How To Grow A Garden Chamomile With Large Flowers

How To Grow A Garden Chamomile With Large Flowers
How To Grow A Garden Chamomile With Large Flowers

Chamomile, or large-flowered daisy, is loved in Russia. Many people grow her, an unpretentious beauty. The variety promises to get large inflorescences, but in practice it happens that the flowers grow medium-sized.

How to grow a garden chamomile with large flowers
How to grow a garden chamomile with large flowers

Chamomile belongs to the group of perennial frost-resistant, drought-resistant plants. It will grow in bright sunny places, and in partial shade, it is unpretentious to soils. But it is important for a florist to grow flowers with large inflorescences.

Therefore, the chamomile should be planted in a well-lit, sunny place. Damp soils and low-lying places, where water will stand in spring, she does not like and will weed out there. The soil for the daisy should be deeply cultivated and contain enough nutrients.

It should be systematically introduced into the soil where chamomile, humus and organic matter grow (10 kg of humus per 1 sq. M), and feed the plants, introducing mineral nutrition for flowering plants into the soil. In dry, long weather, chamomile must be watered. The soil should be moderately moist.

The distance between plants should be at least 30 cm, this will provide good nutrition and light.

When cultivating the daisy in one place for a long time, with a lack of moisture, the plants degenerate. Growing bushes must be dug up and divided every 3-4 years. It should be planted in a new, well-prepared place.

For the winter, you can cover the chamomile with leaves, spruce branches. In early spring, the shelter is removed.

To get very large inflorescences, you can resort to the pinching method. Since chamomile grows as a bush, forming many stems, some of them are removed. The remaining peduncles will receive more nutrition, and the chamomile inflorescences will be larger.
