Growing flowers in a variety of containers is becoming more and more popular. These containers do not take up much space, they can be rearranged and carried, if desired, make up of them compositions pleasing to the eye.

A container for flowers and other plants can be purchased at a gardening store. As a rule, they are presented in a large assortment, have different shapes, sizes and are made of various materials: ceramics, plastic, wood and even concrete. When choosing a container, you should consider that it should be in harmony with the situation. With a little ingenuity, you can make a container with your own hands from improvised materials, for example, from an old basket, a broken wooden wheelbarrow, a bucket, even from worn-out shoes. It looks unusual and quite original.
When growing flowers in a container, only highly fertile soil should be used. This is because the roots have limited space for growth. Frequent watering is also very important. For more successful growth, regular feeding should be carried out, which can provide normal nutrition to the plants.
The depth of the flower garden should not be less than 30-35 cm. It is necessary to provide for drainage holes for excess water to escape, otherwise the roots may rot. The bottom of the container is lined with crushed stone or expanded clay. You can put small moss on top so that it retains the required amount of moisture, and only then fill the soil in which the seedlings are planted. It is better to start planting seeds in February, and flowers should be transferred to a container in June, but you can also buy ready-made seedlings in a specialized store. After planting, the flower garden should be removed to a darkened, wind-free place for several days, and only then installed in a permanent place.
Consider external conditions when choosing colors. For example, for the sunny side, it is better to take marigolds, cineraria, fiery red beans. For the northern one - phlox, godetia, phacelia. If the area is poorly lit, plant pelargonium, balsams. For a windy place like a balcony, choose flowers with a strong root system - ivy, sedum, marigolds.
To obtain a quick decorative effect, the planting density of plants should be approximately 60-70 pieces per square meter. Remember to water your seedlings regularly. With proper care, they will delight you all season.