The very name of the secret seam means that it should not be visible either from the wrong side, much less from the front side. He seems to be hiding between the folds of the fabric. Most often, such a seam is used when processing the bottom of the product, especially if you are sewing a light dress. A blind seam can be used to manually connect some parts of the product, for example, when making a soft toy. At the same time, the main part of the toy is grinded with an ordinary machine seam on the seamy side, after which the toy is turned onto the front side and stuffed. It becomes necessary to close up the hole so that the seam is not visible, and it is the blind seam that is most appropriate in this situation.

It is necessary
- Product to be processed
- Threads matching the color of the fabric and matching it in thickness
- Needle by thread thickness
- Iron
Step 1
The cut of the product can be processed with an overlock or overcast by hand, but if the fabric is not very loose, then you can not do this. Fold the edge of the product by 0.7-1 cm and baste the fold so that it turns out to be even. You can also iron the fold.
Step 2
Fold the fold a second time about the same distance and sweep or iron again. The "field of activity" is ready, you can start processing the product with a blind seam. It is performed in 1 thread, like many other hand seams.
Step 3
Insert the needle into the hem, closer to the top of the hem, and bring it out between the hem and the body of the garment. Pull the thread and hide a knot in the hem. The blind stitch is very similar to the goat stitch, only the stitches are closed with a hem. Having hidden the knot, insert the needle into the main part of the product at a distance of 5-7 mm from the first puncture. With the needle, grab 1-2 threads behind the puncture and bring the needle to the wrong side of the main part of the product.
Step 4
Insert the needle into the hem at a distance of 5-7 mm from the puncture on the main part of the product, in the same way grab 1-2 threads behind the puncture, bring the needle out between the hem and the main part of the product and pull the thread. In this way, sew to the end of the hem. If you need to fasten the thread and thread in a new one, fasten it with several short stitches in that part of the hem that meets the main part of the product. Hide the knot of the new thread in the hem in the same way as you did at the beginning of sewing.
Step 5
If you need, for example, to repair a stuffed animal or to close up a hole after stuffing, do it as follows. Insert the needle into the fold of the seam from the wrong side, straight into the fold. Leave the knot in the fold. Insert the needle into the fold of the seam of the other piece, grab 1 or 2 threads along the fold behind the puncture, bring the needle through the hole and tighten the stitch. Insert the needle into the fold of the seam of the first piece, grab some of the threads behind the puncture in the same way, pull the needle out and pull the thread through. So sew to the end of the seam to be closed. Secure the thread by making a few small stitches along the fold of the seam.