How To Blind A Deer

How To Blind A Deer
How To Blind A Deer

Table of contents:


The deer is an intelligent and noble animal. He is very beautiful and hardy and rightfully occupies one of the first places among the animals depicted in engravings and paintings with forest landscapes. Create your own masterpiece - sculpt a deer from dough.

How to blind a deer
How to blind a deer

It is necessary

  • - Flour;
  • - salt;
  • - water;
  • - two black beads;
  • - paints;
  • - varnish.


Step 1

Prepare the modeling dough. Take 150 g of flour and salt, and 50 ml of water. Pour the salt and flour mixed together into the water. Knead on the table to get a smooth and elastic dough. Add water or flour if the dough is too soft or, on the contrary, crumbles. Place the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Step 2

Use the foil to form the base of the deer's torso. To do this, roll up the foil with a roller and shape it into a horseshoe. The body and legs of a deer were formed at the same time. Roll the foil into a cone for the base of the head. Take a piece of dough, roll it into a layer and wrap it around the foil bases.

Step 3

Make a neck for the deer: shape a piece of dough into a cone and stretch it out. Insert a toothpick into the torso, leave 1/3 part outside. Place your neck over this part. Pre-moisten the joints of the trunk and neck with water.

Step 4

Take two pieces of wire and cover them with dough. Give them the shape of the horns and attach to the head. Form the ears from small pieces of dough, moisten the base with water and stick on the sides of the head. Make the eyes of the deer by inserting black beads in their place. Select the nose and mouth in a stack.

Step 5

Dry the figurine in the oven. If the dough is continuously exposed to high temperatures, it can crack and swell. To prevent this from happening, dry the product gradually. Heat it up to 200 ° C and, after placing the deer there, turn it off immediately. After the oven has cooled down, remove the deer. Then heat the oven again and repeat the same steps. Do this several times. You can leave the deer to dry on its own, without having to dry it in the oven. This will dry it in about a week.

Step 6

When the figurine is dry, paint it. For this, you can use gouache, tempera or oil paints. For durability and moisture protection, the deer can be varnished after the paint has dried.
