Are you a fan or a fan of the American animated series The Simpsons? Try using a pencil and an eraser to draw one of the main characters - Bart Simpson.

It is necessary
- -Eraser
- -Pencil
- -Drawing paper
- -Paints, markers or colored pencils
Step 1
Start drawing Bart Simpson with a pencil sketch. Do not press too hard on the pencil, or it will be difficult to erase extra lines.
First, sketch out the shape of a tin can that curves slightly at the top. Add the same detail only smaller than the size below. This will be the head and neck.

Step 2
Draw a straight, vertical line from the right side of Bart's head. Then sketch out the hairline and the eye line.

Step 3
In the middle of the bottom horizontal line, draw two inseparable circles. These are Bart's eyes.

Step 4
Draw the shape of the nose just below the right eyes, this is a slightly rounded rectangle. Add Bart's ear on the right side. It is located just below the horizontal line.

Step 5
Correct the shape of the eyes and add one pupil to the center.

Step 6
Bart's hair is pointed. Draw them on top of the head.

Step 7
Draw the shape of the head in more detail. Add kinks where necessary. Also draw the ear and mouth in detail.

Step 8
It remains only to remove all unnecessary lines and decorate Bart in bright colors.