The moon has a significant impact on the processes taking place on Earth. The lunar calendar is checked when carrying out gardening work, treatment, planning a diet and daily routine. A lunar birthday can reveal many aspects of the human personality and indicate the correct landmarks in life. You can determine which lunar day corresponds to a specific day of the month by calculation or using a special calendar.

Step 1
Find out when there was or will be a new moon closest to your date. The moment of the new moon is the beginning of the first lunar day, and the second lunar day begins with the first rise of the moon after the new moon. Despite the fact that the lunar calendar has 30 days, the lunar month sometimes ends on the 29th day, after which the first lunar day begins again, which is longer. The time of rising and setting of the moon can be determined by the usual calendar, where these data are indicated.
Step 2
Pay attention to the Internet sites of the relevant subject. Find a calendar of solar and lunar days for the year you need and use it to determine which lunar day corresponds to a certain date. By filling out a special form, you can automatically calculate the desired lunar day. To do this, you need to specify the date, time of calculation, time zone in relation to Moscow or universal time. Since the moon rises at different times in different places of the planet, for greater accuracy of the calculation, it is also required to indicate the nearest settlement or its coordinates.
Step 3
Use special tables of the ratios of the year and the day to calculate the lunar day. Determine which coefficient corresponds to the year you need. In the table, where tens and units of the year are indicated horizontally and vertically, find the desired numbers and the number indicated at their intersection. Determine the coefficient corresponding to the desired month. Add up the numbers you find from these three tables. If the amount received exceeds the number of days in the lunar month, subtract 29.5 from it. Suppose you get the number 6, 3. This means that the new moon occurred on the 6th at 7, 2 (0, 3x24) hours GMT. Finally, do not forget to correct the time for your time zone. The margin of error for this method is plus or minus 1-2 days.