What can you build a house from on your site? This problem is faced by everyone who wants to build something not entirely traditional. Bottle houses have been invented for a long time, but they are still rare. Meanwhile, glass walls keep heat well. The wall will be pretty thick. The main disadvantage of such a building material is that a lot of bottles of the same type are required, otherwise the masonry will turn out to be uneven.

It is necessary
- Many bottles of wine, champagne, vodka
- Cement or concrete
Step 1
Prepare bottles. This is a rather lengthy process, since a lot of them are needed. Bottles must be cleaned of label residues, rinsed thoroughly and dried well. Not a drop of moisture should remain there. After drying, the bottles are sealed. It is best to fill the necks with the same cement mortar that will be used in the construction of the house.
Step 2
The foundation for a bottle house is made in the most common way. It is no different from the foundation of a brick house. Make a house project, dig a pit, fill in the foundation and start building. The whole secret lies in the packing of the bottles. There may be different construction options, and you need to choose the best one.
Step 3
Determine how you want the walls of the house to appear. Outside, there can be either concrete, which you then decorate at your discretion, or glass, which, moreover, will allow natural light to pass through. The concrete pouring technology depends on this. The masonry is the same in both cases.
Step 4
Start building. Pour a layer of cement onto the foundation. Place the bottles tightly to each other, with the bottoms to one side. For example, to the outside of the house. Pour a layer of cement over the necks of the bottles, up to the most convex part of them. Lay out the next row of bottles so that the necks of the new layer bottles enter between the two necks of the lower row. After that, a row of bottles is again laid out in the same way as the first, then - like the second. Excess cement is removed along the masonry.
Step 5
With this type of masonry, construction is not carried out along the perimeter, but separately along each wall. Build all the walls. Complete concreting at corner joints. The resulting concrete surfaces can be decorated with cement mortar, in which crushed bottle glass of different colors is added instead of sand.