At 39 years old, singer Mark Tishman is still not married. The young man continues to search for the ideal girl with whom he will have sincere true love.

Today Mark Tishman is 39 years old, and the young man is still not married. The performer himself refers to this issue philosophically and notes that it is best to be alone for a while, but to meet your true love once and for life.
First novels
Tishman never flaunted his personal life, while he does not hide that he often falls in love and, in general, is a very romantic young man. To this day, Mark remains one of the most enviable bachelors in the domestic show business.
The singer became really popular after he took part in the musical youth project "Star Factory". As a result, the young man chose a solo career for himself and to this day is actively promoting his work. It is worth saying that he does it very well.
From an early age, Tishman dreamed of a big stage. At the same time, he did not appear in a starlight, but in the most ordinary family. The parents did their best to give the heir an excellent education. So Mark graduated from the linguistic faculty of Moscow State University. By the way, knowledge of foreign languages greatly helped him in the future. For example, when Tishman lived in America for a long time. By the way, there is information that one of the most striking novels of a young man happened in the United States. It turned out that a Russian-speaking Ukrainian woman became a neighbor of the singer in a foreign land. At first glance, a gorgeous, athletic blonde won over a romantic young man. Soon after they met, they began dating. But just a couple of months later, Mark was very disappointed in his new darling. The girl seemed to him too pragmatic and even selfish. The young man always dreamed of bright pure love, and the constant talk about money and wealth greatly embarrassed him. As a result, Tishman was the first to offer the girl to leave. The lovers parted and never saw each other again, but Mark continues to remember this novel to this day.

And the very first serious relationship with Tishman happened while studying at the university. Then Mark was in love without memory and diligently closed his eyes to all the shortcomings of the chosen one. It didn’t even seem strange to him that the girl was very interested in other men and had a large number of “best friends” of the opposite sex. Common acquaintances opened the eyes of the young man to his beloved. The girl cheated on Mark right on his birthday. Immediately after that, he left the chosen one. Tishman was very upset by the betrayal and for a long time could not recover after what had happened. Friends of the young man are sure that this incident largely influenced the further fate of the performer and led to the fact that Mark now does not trust women, carefully looking at each one before starting a relationship.
Cornelia Mango and Julia Parshuta
Several times, journalists and fans suspected Mark of an affair with his colleagues. For example, even while participating in the "Star Factory" the young man behaved very tenderly and in a special way with another contestant Cornelia Mango. In the yellow press every now and then there was information that the couple was dating and even thinking about the wedding. Later, Tishman himself explained that he really had a very warm relationship with Cornelia, but they would never cross the line of friendship. To this day, the former co-participants of the show continue to communicate and support each other in difficult situations.

When Mark appeared at one of the secular parties by the hand with Yulia Parshuta, a new wave of rumors about Tishman's novel immediately arose. But this time it turned out that the young people are just friends. At the time when Mark and Julia began to go to parties together, Parshuta had just broken up with a young man and was very worried about the breakup. Tishman supported her in every possible way and helped to cope with depression.
But the most unpleasant for the singer were the rumors about his affair with colleague Mitya Fomin. Back in 2010, the young man began to be suspected of having ties with men. Mark himself categorically denied such assumptions, was angry with journalists and paparazzi who tried to catch him in the relevant companies.
What about today?
Even 10 years ago, Mark Tishman promised fans that it is imperative to marry before the age of 33. Years have passed, and the singer is still alone. Today, Tishman continues to actively pursue his career and no longer makes plans for his personal life. Mark notes that he simply does not have time for a romantic relationship. All day long he composes new songs, rehearses, performs at concerts and private parties.

At the same time, the singer is sure that excessive romance is to blame for his loneliness. Tishman sang a lot about huge, beautiful and almost unreal love. Now he dreams of meeting just such in real life, but in reality all the girls end up being more down-to-earth than Mark himself initially imagines. Therefore, for now, he still has a lot of work left to realize his material dreams and continue to search for that one and only girl.