Mark Zuckerberg's Wife: Photo

Mark Zuckerberg's Wife: Photo
Mark Zuckerberg's Wife: Photo

Mark Zuckerberg's wife has been criticized more than once for her too simple appearance and unwillingness to take care of herself. But Priscilla Chan and her billionaire husband are oblivious to it. They have been happily married for several years and managed to become parents twice.

Mark Zuckerberg's wife: photo
Mark Zuckerberg's wife: photo

American Cinderella Priscilla Chan

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the founders and CEO of Facebook. His fortune is estimated at tens of billions of dollars. Many beautiful girls dream of meeting this talented person, but in Zuckerberg's personal life, everything is more than good. He has been happily married to Priscilla Chan for a long time. This woman is often accused of lack of taste. Critics openly say that Zuckerberg could find a more beautiful wife, but Mark does not pay attention to such conversations and continues to love his wife more and more.

Priscilla Chan is often called the American Cinderella. Her parents are ethnic Chinese who fled to America in search of a better life from war-torn Vietnam. Priscilla's mother and father settled in the city of Braintree. Chan's family was very friendly. Priscilla has two more sisters. At school, the girl was fond of robotics, playing tennis. She grew up as a very independent child and often lived with her grandmother.

Priscilla stood out among her peers for her precocious intellect. She easily entered Harvard University and was the first in her family to receive a graduate degree. In 2007 she was awarded a bachelor's degree. For several years Priscilla taught science at one of the most prestigious private schools, but then she realized that she would like to become a doctor. She entered and successfully graduated from the University of California School of Medicine, and then went to work as a pediatrician.


Meet Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg during his school years did not enjoy success with the opposite sex and did not strive to build relationships himself. He was too passionate about programming. In 2002, he entered the prestigious Harvard University and spent almost all his free time studying. A year after starting his studies, he accidentally met a girl named Priscilla. The meeting place turned out to be very unusual. Young people first saw each other in line to the toilet at one of the student parties.

For some time, young people were friends and did not advertise their relationship. Priscilla was one of the few who believed in Zuckerberg's success. She supported him in everything. Friends of the couple believe that this girl has become an invisible driving force for the computer genius.

The wedding of Mark and Priscilla took place in 2012. Celebrated this event in the backyard of the Zuckerberg house. The celebration was rather modest. Despite the huge fortune of the groom, the bride did not spend money on an expensive wedding dress. She chose a modest dress from a little-known designer. The billionaire announced the wedding on his Facebook page.


In 2015, the couple had their first daughter, Max. For Zuckerberg and his wife, this child was long-awaited. The happy parents admitted that earlier Priscilla had three pregnancies that ended unsuccessfully. Mark explained that he made this information public for a reason. He and his wife wanted to support those people who also had to face such a misfortune.

In 2017, Priscilla and Mark became parents for the second time. Another girl was born, whom her parents gave the unusual name of August. Zuckerberg's wife is a very caring mother. She devotes a lot of time to children and hardly uses the services of nannies.


What Priscilla Chan does

The wife of one of the richest people in the world is actively involved in charity work. After a successful marriage and the birth of children, she left pediatric practice, but the topic of health is still very important to her. Priscilla and Mark set up a charity and promised to donate most of their Facebook shares to various projects. The purpose of the organization is to develop school education and medicine. The project has donated several billion dollars to create drugs for incurable diseases.

The charitable foundation belongs to both spouses, but Priscilla is mainly engaged in it. She spends several hours at the head office 2-3 times a week, combining this with raising children. Priscilla owns a charitable private school. In it, children from poor families can receive not only knowledge, but also the necessary medical care. The school practices an individual approach to each student.

Priscilla Chan is actively collaborating with an eye exam and glasses company. The charitable foundation of the famous couple allocates funds so that children from low-income families can use the necessary help and get high-quality glasses. Priscilla has many plans for the future. She admits that her work inspires her and considers it great happiness that she can do what she loves.
