Where Is Golden Eagle Hunting Allowed Now?

Where Is Golden Eagle Hunting Allowed Now?
Where Is Golden Eagle Hunting Allowed Now?

The Latin designation of the golden eagle can be translated as "golden eagle". This is how Karl Linnaeus christened him when he first saw him and, apparently, fell in love forever with his natural appearance and noble appearance. And the Swedes and French call it the Royal Eagle. But nowadays there are many who want to get the golden eagle in their hunting trophies, but is it possible to kill these birds?

Where is golden eagle hunting allowed now?
Where is golden eagle hunting allowed now?

Why the golden eagle disappears

Previously, the golden eagle could be found almost anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Its range included vast territories of Europe, North America and northern Asia, even in Africa there were eyewitnesses to the flight of this beautiful bird. However, at the moment, the golden eagle is included in the Red Book. While in the status of "least risk", however, every year the number of golden eagles is decreasing. What is the reason for this?

Unfortunately, people often perceive predators as dangerous creatures, regardless of who these predators kill. So, in Scotland, farmers announced a real hunt for birds because they allegedly destroyed their livestock of lambs. However, in reality, even if golden eagles eat lambs, it is only those who are dying or dead, and healthy ones are caught extremely rarely, and they certainly could not cause the death of a whole livestock.

And in the United States, it even went to court. In the Midwest, they announced a hunt with the involvement of professional shooters. They killed the winged beauties from the planes for a decent payment. It turned out that some ranchers felt that golden eagles deserved to die for eating rodents (especially rabbits). However, the experts in the court made the correct calculations, on the basis of which the rodents that the golden eagles ate would eat about 300 tons of grass, which would only harm agriculture. The shooters and their employers were punished with real terms.

The widespread hunting of animals with the golden eagle also does not lead to anything good - the chicks are stolen from the nest, tamed, and they rarely give the offspring that they could reproduce in captivity.

Where hunting for the golden eagle is prohibited

Unfortunately, there are too many reasons why the golden eagle can die, but they are able to increase the population rather slowly. This is due to the fact that the female usually lays from one to four (but usually only two) eggs in her nest.

After the problem of increasing the population of golden eagles has been described well enough, it is necessary to consider which countries have introduced a ban on fishing for the golden eagle in their laws.

In Russia and Kazakhstan, the golden eagle is listed in the Red Book, therefore, hunting for this bird is strictly prohibited. In the United States, hunting for the golden eagle was banned back in 1940, as well as the transportation of their nests or live birds, it is forbidden to sell the golden eagle in any form, as well as in parts. It is forbidden to hunt for golden eagles in many countries of the former USSR, where it is listed in the Red Book - Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia.
