Contemporary dances are varied. Some of them are based on classical steps, and some on movements that are borrowed from sports exercises. Such dances require serious physical training and a good sense of rhythm. An example of modern non-standard dance hot is dubstep.

Bright and modern dubstep as a direction in music is relatively young. It is believed that this style appeared in London in the early 2000s. Low-frequency bass and high rhythm, constant vibrations and transitions - this is what distinguishes such non-standard, beloved and at the same time hated by many music, filled with electronic notes and constantly changing rhythms.
Musical dubstep
Musical dubstep is devoid of vocal accompaniment at all or includes its completely modified shades. Staged as an experiment, dubstep has now firmly taken its place in the world of music and even became the basis for the dance of the same name.
Dubstep is a kind of mix of all known modern dance trends, it can be hip-hop, and electric boogie-style dances of a robot-man. The dance is characterized by a skillful combination of movements of arms and legs, short, sharp and long stretched movements, acceleration and deceleration to unusually sounding electric music.
Dubstep music, by its very nature, does not seem to be conducive to any kind of improvisation, and therefore the dance mix depends entirely on the skill of the dancer.
Dance experiment
Dubstep dance is the lot of experimenters and dreamers, it is interesting that many eminent choreographers and dancers simply adore and use dubstep elements. Anyone who preferred dubstep to traditional dance genres should have good hearing and an excellent sense of rhythm and taste, skillfully control their body and easily imitate the movement of a wave, all in combination with the transmission of a huge spectrum of overwhelming feelings and emotions.
Dubstep is a mini performance, in which new elements are constantly being introduced, which may well be borrowed from other, more classical dances in the usual sense. If you dream of mastering dubstep, you should get comfortable shoes and patience, take a couple of video lessons on the Internet, or contact real teachers in specialized dubstep schools that have recently appeared around the world.
You can learn dubstep on your own, but it can be much easier to use the services of professionals who can easily explain the basics of the movements and emotional color of dubstep.
Dubstep is a dance of self-expression, a dance of continuous transformations, continuous waves and all kinds of turns, different speed modes, which give the dance a unique appearance and entertainment. In order to learn how to dance dubstep, you need to completely immerse yourself in the image, become a part of electronic music, digital sound.