The wedding dance is the first stone in the foundation of a new family. He can be anything: awkward and shy, and passionate, and infinitely gentle. The main thing is that the bride and groom are in the spotlight and are very worried. In order not to lose face, it is recommended to rehearse your wedding dance in advance. What will it be? By tradition, everyone dances the waltz. Fascinating music, smooth movements, eye-to-eye gaze. In addition, the waltz is easy enough to master on your own.

It is necessary
- 1.the groom and the bride;
- 2. music player;
- 3. disc or other musical medium with the melody you like. Music can be any, the main thing is that it must correspond to the size 3/4;
- 4. spacious room;
- 5. improvised costumes. It would be nice if the bride wears a skirt the same length as the wedding dress, and the groom instead of jeans will be in trousers.
Step 1
Turn on the music. Listen to it several times, try to roll the rhythm in your head.
Step 2
Think about how your dance will begin and how it will end. For example, the dance begins with the invitation of the bride by the groom, and ends with a graceful bow. The groom usually bows with a slight nod of his head. The bride makes a curtsy, slightly bending one leg at the knee, putting the other back, tilting her head slightly and lifting her skirt with her fingertips.
Step 3
Start learning the steps of the dance. The waltz is danced on the so-called square - the right leg forward (on the count "one, two, three"), the left leg forward and to the side (on the count "one, two, three"), the left leg back (on the count "one, two, three "), right leg back (on the count" one, two, three "). In this case, the knees are slightly springy. Learn a waltz square with music, the bride is separate from the groom.
Step 4
Pair up. One hand of the groom lies on the shoulder of the bride, the other on the waist. The bride's hands are mirror-opposite. Practice a waltz square as a pair. In this case, the groom's right leg goes forward, and at the same time the bride's left leg goes back. That is, the bride dances a waltz square starting from the third movement.
Step 5
Dance a waltz square in pairs, each time turning slightly around its axis. Mentally draw a large circle around the entire perimeter of the room. Dance a waltz square with a twist around the entire circumference.
Step 6
Improvise as you dance. Making a dance is not just learning the movements, but also filling them with inner content. Enjoy the moment!