Angels are bright keepers of human destinies. These gentle creatures live in heaven. The angel personifies the simplicity and kindness of the soul, innocence and generosity, sincerity and devotion. Often, caring parents hang figures of angels over the cribs of their babies. Adults believe that such angels will help protect children from evil forces and misfortune. Instead of an angel figurine, you can place a drawing of a winged guardian in the children's room.

Step 1
You should start drawing an angel with an image of a circle and an elongated oval on a sheet of paper. The circle should be at the top of the sheet, and the oval a short distance below it.

Step 2
Now the circle and the edges of the oval should be connected with two straight lines. The head and dress of the angel are already ready.

Step 3
Further, approximately in the middle of the angel's dress, you need to draw a pocket in the form of a horizontally inverted month.

Step 4
It's time to draw a little angel pen. Most of them are hidden by the puffy rounded sleeves of the dress. Only the hands remain visible.

Step 5
Next, the angel should draw large round eyes, a small neat little nose, a triangular mouth and ears sticking out on both sides of the head with a pencil.

Step 6
Now on the head of the heavenly guardian, you need to draw funny curls in the form of small circles.

Step 7
A halo glows over the heads of all saints, including angels. In the figure, it looks like a forked flattened oval.

Step 8
The heavenly angel is almost ready. It remains only to add some details to his image. Naturally, an angel needs wings to flutter above the ground. In the figure, they stick out from behind his back in different directions.
You can draw vertical folds on the angel's dress. You can add a rounded neckline to it.
And the eyes of the keeper will become more expressive if you add small round highlights and arrows in them.
Now the angel is missing only the eyebrows. They can be drawn as short lines above the eyes.

Step 9
The heavenly creation, drawn in pencil, is ready. Now it can be attached to the wall in the nursery. The bright angel will protect the baby from all sorts of troubles that may happen to him.