How To Play Chess

How To Play Chess
How To Play Chess

Table of contents:


Chess is one of the oldest games that belongs to both science and sports, and also has millions of combinations. The difficulty of the game lies in the fact that it is impossible to predict with precision which piece the opponent will play, so every move can become fatal.

How to play chess
How to play chess


Step 1

Despite the obvious tactical complexity, even elementary schoolchildren can learn the game. Before you start the fight, place a playing field in front of you, consisting of 64 black and white cells. There should be a white cage in the lower right corner. In the "arsenal" the players have 32 pieces. On the field, black and white line up like this: on the row closest to the edge, two rooks are placed at the edges, then towards the center - two knights, then - two bishops. The queen is placed on the d1 square, the king on e1. The second row consists of 8 pawns. White always starts the game.

Step 2

Opponents take turns starting to make moves, that is, they move pieces on the board to an adjacent non-attacked square in accordance with the rules of the game. The goal is to "eat" the king. When the king is checkmated, the game is over. Checkmate is an attack of the king that cannot be eliminated. Check means that the king is in immediate danger, from which you need to "escape" or eliminate with other pieces.

Step 3

Pawns only move forward one square diagonally. If a pawn reaches any free square on the farthest opposite rank (first from the opponent's side), it can be replaced by any piece of the same color, except for the king. From the initial position, the pawn can make one move through one square.

Step 4

How other pieces move For example, the king can only move one adjacent square forward, backward, left to right, and diagonally. Queen - on any free square along the vertical, horizontal and diagonal. The rook and the bishop move in the forward-backward direction to any square, but the rook only along the vertical and horizontal, and the bishop only along those diagonal. A knight's move can even pass through occupied squares and forms a zigzag (letter D). If the king has not changed position, and the rook has not yet made a move, a one-time castling is possible. But if on his way there are fields attacked by the enemy, castling is prohibited.
