How To Learn To Play Chess

How To Learn To Play Chess
How To Learn To Play Chess

Table of contents:


Chess is a very useful game that develops imagination, logic, tactics, strategy. In addition, the ability to memorize increases. It is possible to enumerate all the positive aspects of chess for a long time, but the question arises, how can one learn to play? Learning to play chess is not that difficult, and also very exciting.

It is necessary



Step 1

First of all, we place the chess on the board. Place the board so that the white square is in the lower right corner. There are 16 pieces in total of the same color: 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, queen, king and 8 pawns.

Step 2

Fill in the first glad with shapes. We put rooks at the edges - figures in the form of turrets. The next square from the rooks is the place for the knight. Next, an elephant (officer) is placed, an elongated figure, with a dot on the top. Two cells remain in the middle. The white king is placed on the black square (e1). On the white square (e8) the black king. We place the queen next to the king. We fill the second row with pawns.

Step 3

The rules of the game are simple. You need to create a situation called checkmate. Checkmate is a situation when, after the opponent's move, the king is attacked by his piece, and at the same time the player cannot defend against the check on his own. Check - a situation when, after the opponent's move, the king is attacked by his piece. A stalemate is also possible - a situation in which the king is not in check, but any player's action will lead to checkmate. Usually stalemate occurs when there are no pieces left except the king, and the opponent cannot drive him into checkmate (due to the lack of important pieces)

Step 4

Now about the figures. A pawn is an ordinary piece that moves one square forward and cuts diagonally. If the pawn is in its original position, then it has the right to move two squares. Also, if a pawn reaches the end of the chessboard, it turns into any piece.

Step 5

A knight is a piece that moves with the letter "G". Accordingly, if the knight is on a white square, then after the move it will be on a black square. The bishop is a piece that moves diagonally. The player has two bishops, one on a white square, the other on a black one, therefore, they will move and cut pieces on the corresponding color. A rook is a piece that moves and cuts only vertically and horizontally. Quite a valuable figure.

Step 6

Queen - can move vertically, horizontally and diagonally. The strongest figure. And the most important piece, the king, can move in any direction, but only one square.

Step 7

The process of the game is to move the pieces around the board and by these actions bring the opponent's king to checkmate. To do this, you have to think over several moves ahead, come up with combinations, force the opponent to sacrifice pieces. Only through diligence and effort can you win at chess.
