Card tricks are quite common. To display them, no special equipment or special room is required - it is enough to have a deck and be able to effectively manipulate it. And what is especially nice - all the tricks can be learned.

It is necessary
- - deck of cards;
- - chips or round cracker;
- - a musical instrument (if possible).
Step 1
Develop your fingers and hand muscles. No wonder there is a saying "Sleight of hand and no fraud." To learn how to work with cards, you need to constantly train. The fingers should be flexible so that you can perform complex tricks based on skillful manipulation of the cards. At the same time, it is important to develop both hands - both the right and the left.
Step 2
A good way to practice finger stretching is to learn how to play a musical instrument such as the guitar. Another option is to get a set of poker chips and learn how to cut them. You don't have to buy a whole suitcase, you can limit yourself to three stacks (60 chips). If you have long nails, trim them beforehand - they will get in the way.
Step 3
Cutting (slicing chips) is done according to the following principle. Take one stack (20 pieces) in your hand, slightly raise it from the table, put your index finger at the 5 (or 4) chips without looking. Place the stack on the surface and slide the remaining chips in your hand towards you - you should get two columns: one of 5 chips, the second of 15. Without releasing the stack from your hands, slide your index finger over the top chip of the first column and continue moving your finger towards you, automatically removing the next portion of chips. You can use a cracker instead of chips, but in this case, the cutting will not work out so smoothly.
Step 4
Get a deck of good quality plastic cards. Better, of course, to choose those that are used in gambling establishments - with their help, you can demonstrate even the most complex tricks. Spend more time working with the deck - learn to shuffle it in several ways: on the weight and on the table.
Step 5
Almost all card tricks are based on counting and a good memory, which must be constantly developed. And you can do this, for example, in a store: every time in your mind, sum up the cost of purchases so that at the checkout you already know the exact value. At the same time, it is important not to round off - this will allow you to develop observation and attentiveness, which will later come in handy when demonstrating tricks and working with an audience.