At first glance, it may seem that rap is the most primitive genre of music, because it boasts neither complex vocals nor a rich melodic palette. However, it is always difficult to make high-quality music, no matter what genre it belongs to, and rap is no exception, because there are many unobvious pitfalls there.

Step 1
Listen to different artists. It often happens that they start to study music only under the influence of a single idol: this explains the wave of "street" rap that swept social networks with the advent of popularity to the group "Center". The main disadvantage of such creativity is that it is obtained only by copying, and does not carry any value. Before you start writing yourself, try to listen to the creativity of the maximum number of performers - you will see how different rap can be read (compare the group "Bricks" with "Krec", for example).
Step 2
Avoid using well-known instrumentals. There is probably no rapper who one day would not write a song under the minus "Stan" or "Sing for the Moment". However, there is nothing good in this trend - by taking on a well-known composition, you will force the listener to compare himself with the original, and the choice will clearly not be in your favor. Therefore, try to look for more rare and unbroken tunes - fortunately, there are a huge number of them on the Internet.
Step 3
Keep track of the quality of the verse and rhyme. There are many options for constructing rap texts, and the choice is determined not only by the specific composition, but also by the character of the performer as a whole. So, for example, members of the "Casta" group always try to use a four-syllable rhyme: i.e. there are 4 consonances per two lines. “- I am the fifth element, multi pass, Dalas Korban! / - You are either a cop, or Vasya is a popcorn seller "(composition" Broom "). But Noize MC prefers the rhyme "ah-ah-ah", i.e. rhyming is not a couple of lines, but whole quatrains.
Step 4
Try to come up with punches. It means “speaking in quotes”, being able to compose such a line so that it would not be ashamed to take it out of the context of the song and show it to friends. These can be both high-quality rhymes (the aforementioned "Broom" entirely consists of unrelated punchlines), and some philosophical and beautiful lambs ("He wanted to love freedom, but did not know what that means").