In order to get the opportunity to sing at home with karaoke, it is absolutely not necessary to buy a player specially designed for this. You can use your existing computer by connecting it to your TV and adding a microphone.

Step 1
To create a home karaoke system based on a computer, start by making a special microphone that looks like a stage one, but is also compatible with a computer. Take an ordinary microphone for a household karaoke system as a basis. Replace its 6.3 mm plug with a 3.5 mm plug (also monaural), and the dynamic capsule with an electret one, rated for 1.5 V, observing the polarity (minus - to the wire shield). Lock the microphone switch in the on position. Never plug this microphone into the speaker jack on your sound card - a monaural plug will short-circuit one of the channels.
Step 2
Install a video card in your computer that can be connected to a composite TV. There are two types of such cards: some begin to generate a signal for the TV immediately after switching on (even the BIOS splash screen is displayed on the screen), and others only after launching a special utility. The first type of card is preferable, especially if Linux is installed on the machine. Turn off the power to both devices before modifying the computer and connecting it to the TV.
Step 3
After checking if the image output from the computer to the TV works, and if the sounds pronounced in front of the microphone are heard in the speakers, go to the following site:
Select the song you are interested in and start playing it. If you can't start playing the song, install Flash Player, or if it's already installed, update it to the latest version. If you hear hum from the speakers (called acoustic feedback), turn down the volume or move the speakers away from the microphone. If the TV is a pipe TV, do not place the speakers next to it. To make the atmosphere in the room almost the same as in a real karaoke club, dim the lights - and you can sing.