Assembling a kite is fun but challenging. You will need to fasten a bridle, a rail on its body and tie a thread-rope. There are designs of kites without a rail or without a bridle - each of them has its own assembly features.

Step 1
The first kites were invented in China in the 2nd century BC. At first they were only used for entertainment. Since the 17th century, snakes have been used for atmospheric research, meteorological observations, ascent to the height of radio antennas, etc.
Step 2
Usually, a set of kites made at the factory includes the frame itself with a synthetic canvas stretched over it, a spool with a thread-line, a rail and a bridle. The rail is a metal or plastic rod, and the bridle is used to connect the snake to the handrail (often the bridle is called a bind - in accordance with its purpose).
Step 3
To assemble the kite, grasp the frame and insert the bridle into the holes provided for it. Depending on the design of the kite, the bridle can have one or more attachment points, have a keel and adjusting rings.
Step 4
Turn the frame over with the back facing you and thread the rail into the loops or holes at the ends of the bridle.
Step 5
Look for the grooves on the frame located along the edges of the canvas. Thread the ends of the rail into these slots. Please note that the rail should be located "on the back" of the kite, and not on the side to which the rail is attached.
Step 6
Flip the bobbin right-side up and tie the bobbin thread to the bridle. In case the kite has a tail, secure it.
Step 7
If there is no rail included in the kit, simply fix the bridle in the holes provided for it, attach the rail to it and secure the tail.
Step 8
If there is a rail in the kit, but there is no bridle, find a special hole or a carabiner on the snake body and attach the coil thread to it. Then flip the snake upside down and insert the rail.
Step 9
There are designs of kites with one or more rails. Reiki can run parallel, perpendicular or at an angle to each other. Regardless, the principle of their attachment remains the same. They should be located on the back of the kite and be fixed in special holes.