How To Make A Kite With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Kite With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Kite With Your Own Hands

Recently, kite flying has become popular again. This is an interesting and entertaining activity, and enthusiastic people create the most beautiful models of these flying structures. Kites are sold and ready-made, but a self-made copy will always be more valuable and beautiful. For example, as a result of experiments and long-term work, craftsmen manage to make a kite - a butterfly that flaps its wings in the wind. In addition, it is very easy to make the simplest kite. Consider two simple kite options.

How to make a kite with your own hands
How to make a kite with your own hands

You will need drawing paper, dry wooden slats, twine, tape, PVA glue.

The first variant of the simple serpent is the so-called monk serpent. This is a classic paper construction that can be done very quickly and easily. Take a piece of paper and fold it as shown in the attached diagram. Glue the twine attachment points with tape on both sides. Punch holes and fasten the string to get the model shown in the diagram. A sheet of paper can be absolutely any size, but it must be dense. It is advisable not to choose sheets larger than A3. Larger sizes require more paper weight and this increases the weight of the kite. As a result, a large kite can be so heavy that it simply won't take off. At the last stage, attach the tail - a balancer. The tail should have a length equal to three diagonals of the folded sheet. Making a tail is also very simple. It is necessary to make bows, which are suitable for candy wrappers, rewound in the middle with twine. The tail is attached in the same way as a guide rope, i.e. through the hole taped with tape. The finished kite can be colored to taste. The serpent monk is ready. Despite its simple design, it flies great and will appeal to children.


The second version of the simple kite is the wireframe kite. Make a frame from dry pine strips. Reiki are chosen uniform, i.e. thin straightening cylinders. The frame can be made in any way shown in the picture below. The slats are connected to each other by winding with twine, which is soaked in PVA. Kakrkas should turn out to be immovable (movement of the rails relative to each other is unacceptable) and durable. Use paper or plastic wrap for the wing. It is attached to the frame with threads or twine. Moreover, if, as a result of the long length of the rail, loose sections appear, the length of which exceeds 15 cm, you need to add one more attachment point. Keep in mind that the wing should be tightly tensioned. The finished snake can also be decorated to taste and desire. Don't forget about the tail balancer. Its length is the three lengths of the longest diagonal of the kite. This design differs from the monk snake in that it is equipped with a slat frame. Therefore, for the manufacture of the main material of the wing, it is better to choose a light but dense material. Such material would not work for a monk, since there the folds of the paper are the frame.


Kites will appeal to both children and adults. Launching a kite is a great option for relaxing with a child, which allows you to make a model with your own hands, and then evaluate it in action.