How To Draw A Kite With A Pencil

How To Draw A Kite With A Pencil
How To Draw A Kite With A Pencil

The kite can be of any shape. Rhombus, square box, bird, butterfly, dragon - there are many options. You can easily come up with a snake yourself, but you can draw it with anything - pencil, watercolor, gouache, wax crayons, charcoal.

The serpent always has a tail
The serpent always has a tail

Two straight lines

A kite always has a body and a tail. In addition, he is tied to a long rope, through which he is lowered to the ground. There were also snakes that were used for military purposes - for example, to transfer mail. They were box-shaped.

To draw a flat kite in stages, draw a line. Since your object can fly in any direction, the sheet can also lie vertically, horizontally, or obliquely. Draw a perpendicular to the centerline. The base of a flat kite is a cross, the cross member of which divides the centerline by approximately 1/3. Make sure the ends of the bar are the same. Also outline the position of the tail - draw a curved line with a thin pencil.

The position of the tail can be any, because the thread with the weight attached to it does not remain motionless during the flight.

Draw the contours

Connect the ends of the centerline to the ends of the crossbar. The snake base is ready. The bar can now be removed by drawing instead of it an arc, the convex part of which is directed towards the tail. But you can leave the transverse line, because there are such designs of kites. Draw out the outlines with a softer pencil.

The weight on the tail can also be different - bows, pieces of paper or just ribbons.

Tail, clouds and a skein of thread

Outline the tail with a soft pencil. Draw a load - for example, some paper bows. It is needed in order for the kite to fly more or less steadily. Trace the center line with a soft pencil. Draw a thread to the arc that goes from one corner of the body to the other. Decorate your snake. You can draw a face on his body - schematically depict the eyes, nose and smiling mouth. The lines must be very clear so that the muzzle can be seen from the ground. You can draw a geometric or floral ornament, fantasy patterns, and in general whatever you like. Draw the sky. To do this, it is enough to depict several clouds - closed curved lines of arbitrary shape. Your drawing is ready

Other types of kites

In the same technique, you can depict a box snake, draw a cube. First you need a square, then from the top and bottom corners on the same side, draw 2 lines up at about a 45 ° angle. Their length is about half the side of the square. Connect the ends of the lines. Perform the same construction on the other side of the square. You will get a cube in projection. Color it however you like and draw a tail.
