How To Make A Garland Of Flowers With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Garland Of Flowers With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Garland Of Flowers With Your Own Hands

The creation of a festive atmosphere begins long before the holiday itself. Having made bright and elegant flower garlands with your own hands, you can not only completely transform and decorate the room, but also express respect for the guests according to Hawaiian traditions by putting a colorful flower necklace around their necks.

Garland of fresh flowers
Garland of fresh flowers

Making flower garlands with your own hands is a creative activity that does not tolerate a formal approach. As a material, not only live, but also artificial flowers, twigs with leaves, climbing plants, buds, coniferous branches can be used.

Hawaiian garland

The traditional Hawaiian garland necklace is usually made from flowers with a strong, pleasant aroma and bright color: orchid, Arabian jasmine, rose, hibiscus, plumeria. Such a garland can consist of one thread with flowers, or of several, intertwined with each other.

To create a Hawaiian garland, you will need a strong thread 130-140 cm long. At a distance of 15 cm from one end of the thread, a large knot is tied that can hold the flowers of the future garland. The other end of the thread is threaded into a needle and very carefully begin to string the prepared flowers one by one, pulling the thread through their center and alternating with green leaves. Each flower is carefully slid towards the opposite end of the garland.

After all the flowers have been strung, both ends of the thread are tied tightly, but not cut. If the garland is to be used as a necklace, it can be removed with these threads without touching or damaging the flowers.

Garland on the frame

The creation of a flower garland from several plant species or from group compositions requires a frame. As a rule, the frame is cardboard, a strong cord, thick tape or straw twisted into a bundle. Such a garland can be both one-sided and voluminous, accessible from all sides.

Flowers, buds, leaves, twigs are first artistically laid out on a prepared base, and then fixed with a thin inconspicuous wire or transparent adhesive tape. Flowers can be pre-assembled into small compositional groups - such bouquets are first attached to a thick wire, after which they are already fixed on the base with its help.

Small bunches of green leaves and twigs are fanned out, fastened with a thin wire around the petioles and attached to the base between bouquets of flowers. All plants should not be very dense, not close to each other, but at the same time not leave empty gaps. In empty spaces, you can place individual flowers or buds attached to a wire - it will help give the plant the desired bend or direction.

Hanging garland

To create large and voluminous hanging garlands, you will need a strong cord or rope that is pulled between the supports for the convenience of forming the garland. Pre-prepared bouquets of flowers, bunches of leaves, twigs are placed on the cord, directing them up. The ends of the plants are attached to the cord with a wire or adhesive tape, masking with leaves or curly shoots.
