Baubles are friendship bracelets that are woven only by hand and only as a gift. The donor himself ties such a bracelet on a friend's hand and, with the last knot, expresses a wish for something good. The material for their creation can be thin pieces of fabric, leather, hemp, but the simplest and cheapest option is threads.

It is necessary
Threads in three contrasting colors (two of each color, 100 cm each)
Step 1
Tie all the threads into a knot. Weave a short pigtail (about 5 cm) and secure the semi-finished product on a table leg or on a thick fabric. Arrange the threads in pairs according to the colors.
Step 2
Tie a knot with the far left thread around the adjacent one (second from the left), repeat.
Step 3
Continue to tie the first thread two knots around the other threads in order: third, fourth, fifth, sixth.
Step 4
Now the second thread becomes the leftmost thread. Draw it to the right edge, tying two of the same knots on each thread.
Step 5
Do the same with the rest of the threads. Repeat knots until the length of the bracelet is equal to the diameter of your wrist.
Step 6
Weave a pigtail (another 5 cm, as at the beginning), tie a knot, free from the table or fabric.