How To Weave Thread Baubles For Beginners

How To Weave Thread Baubles For Beginners
How To Weave Thread Baubles For Beginners

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Despite the fact that you can buy any jewelry in stores these days - both jewelry and inexpensive but attractive bijouterie, many girls prefer jewelry made with their own hands. Such jewelry immediately attracts the attention of others, giving its owner more individuality. A popular and easy way to decorate yourself is to make baubles. Weaving a simple and bright bauble is not difficult - with a little effort, you can quickly learn the weaving technique, and further improve in weaving more complex bracelets.

How to weave thread baubles for beginners
How to weave thread baubles for beginners

It is necessary

  • scissors;
  • safety pin;
  • sewing pin;
  • floss threads.


Step 1

Use a pair of scissors, a safety pin, sewing pins for loosening knots, and a floss of the correct color. Start by braiding baubles in two to three colors. Each strand should be at least 100 cm long if you want the finished bauble to match your wrist circumference.

Step 2

You can weave baubles from threads with both straight and oblique weaving, which is most widespread among modern needlewomen. Take 2 strands of each of the three colors (for example, red, white and black) - in total you should have six strands tied at the end into a knot. Pass a pin into the knot and attach it to the base for the convenience of further work. Braid the ends of the threads behind the knot.

Step 3

Tie the thread on the far left with a double knot around the thread next to it on the right. After the second thread, double knot the third, then the fourth - and continue until you reach the end of the row. The left thread will move to the right. Move to the thread that is now on the far left and repeat the row with double knots from left to right. You should have oblique lines of knots - two rows of red knots, two rows of white ones, two rows of black ones. After all three colors are weaved, you will again see that the two red threads, as at the very beginning of the work, are on the left.

Step 4

Continue to weave according to the described technology until the threads run out and the bauble reaches the desired length. Tie a knot at the end and braid. In the future, you can improve your technique and weave more complex patterns than simple diagonal stripes - Christmas trees, rhombuses, and much more.

Step 5

If you understand the principle of weaving baubles, then you can start creating more complex patterns. But for this you need to have a larger number of floss threads of different colors. You can show your imagination and do not ordinary baubles, but with the addition of beads or beads, as well as by connecting the bauble with a chain. Or you can try to weave real nuts into the bracelet. Then the decoration will become even more interesting.

Step 6

You can make a bauble with a corner pattern. To do this, you need to take at least 10 threads with five colors. Place the floss at the initial stage so that the threads of the same color are mirror-like. For example, arrange the threads as follows: yellow, red, blue, green, white, white, green, blue, red, yellow. You can take any colors at your discretion, but their order must be mirrored. The weave will go on both sides at the same time. Start on the left, making the knots with yellow thread. You should reach the middle with it, and, having made a knot on the white thread, stop. Now take the yellow thread from the right side and start to weave the knots on the left side. Do not overtighten the thread, it should run freely. At the same time, make sure that the leading thread smoothly descends with each loop lower and lower. When you reach the white one on the right with the yellow thread, take the left yellow thread and tie them to the right yellow one with an equal knot.

Step 7

Now take the red thread on the right and start making knots again until the middle of the baubles. Then take the red thread on the right and lead it to the left. Please note that the nodules on the right are made in the opposite direction than on the left. In the middle, again weave the threads of the same color into a knot. Continue this until the length of the bauble is optimal for you. You can make your jewelry exclusive by sewing beads into the center of the bracelet. The main thing is to do it with a thread of one of the bauble colors.

Step 8

If all of the above weaving methods seem too easy for you, then it's time to learn how to make baubles according to the patterns. This kind of weaving is very beautiful, when the color passes from one to another. The pattern for weaving is shown in the figure. Count how many threads you need to weave this pattern. The diagram shows a 12-row bauble. So you need to take 12 threads, which will be the background of the decoration. It is best to take a white thread for these purposes. But if one is not available, then you can get by with threads of pastel shades. The length of the background threads must be at least 40 centimeters. But do not use too long threads, unless you plan to weave a very large bauble. Such threads are very easy to get confused, and a high length will only contribute to this. After you have taken all the background threads, it's time to start preparing the basic colors. There are 8 of them in the scheme. Their length should be greater. Take about 2 meters of each of the primary colors. This is due to the fact that with the main threads you will make knots, on which the length is also spent. Secure all the auxiliary threads in a knot, adding only the blue thread of the main color there, and thread a safety pin through the knot.


Step 9

To keep the knots in your bauble evenly, glue the tape at the beginning of work and bring the knots close to it. Begin to weave knots with the main blue thread to the right. Once you have finished the row, start to weave with the same blue thread to the left to the end. Make sure that light-colored threads do not show through the knots. Do the job well and don't leave your mistakes. Then it will be much more difficult to fix them than in the process. Repeat your steps, creating the third and fourth rows of blue. The next row will already combine two different colors. According to the scheme, blue is added to the blue tint. Make the first three knots, like the previous ones, with a blue thread. Now you need to weave the blue thread. To do this, simply stick it with tape on the work plane under the section of the bauble, which was made in blue. The tape should end exactly where the thread will be woven.

Step 10

Now one of the most important steps in working with this bauble, if you just start weaving with a blue thread, then a hole will form at the transition point. To avoid this, put the blue thread between the blue and white threads, which will now be in work. The blue thread will be under the blue one. Pass the blue thread over the blue and make a knot with the blue thread on the white background thread. Thus, you will kind of weave the blue into the knot, thereby securing the pattern. Secure this knot by making another knot with the blue thread on the white background thread. Make more knots on the next three background threads.

Step 11

Next, you need to change the thread again. To do this, draw a blue thread under the bauble and straighten it in front of the blue thread. Make the knot in the same way as before. The blue thread will be woven and locked. It remains only to secure the knot and continue weaving. So, guided by the scheme, you can weave any bauble you like according to any scheme. Or you can even come up with your own pattern, creating it on a regular sheet of paper and bringing it to life.
