There are a lot of types of loops in knitting. When creating this or that product, you can combine them and get a wide variety of types of knitting and patterns. But sometimes, to complete a particular detail, it is necessary to add or subtract the number of loops on the knitting needles. It will be useful to master such a technique as broaching. The broach is the thread between the loop on the right knitting needle and the loop on the left knitting needle. In this article, you can find three ways to knit broaches.

Step 1
Before starting work, master such a technique as a yarn. To sew a yarn over, bring the right knitting needle under the working thread from right to left of the index finger. You will have a loop. If in the next row you knit a purl loop over the crochet, you will get a hole in your knitting, the pattern will turn out to be openwork. Usually, after the yarns, several loops are knitted together, then the number of loops, and therefore the width of the product, will remain constant.
So, let's get down to the methods of knitting a broach.
Step 2
Method 1.
Knit the first stitch. Knit the next loop without removing it. Now pull the second loop through the first and remove. Remember that the result of the broaches will depend on what kind of wall you will knit the front loops.
You can knit a yarn in a different way: bring the right knitting needle under the working thread in the direction from right to left. If you knit a purl loop under this yarn, the number of loops will increase, but the hole will not form.
Step 3
Method 2.
In this method, you will need to knit two loops from one - this is another option for increasing the number of loops. Knit a loop at the back of the previous row, without pulling the loops off the knitting needles.
Now knit another loop behind the back wall of the previous row, as in the first step. Do not remove the buttonholes from the knitting needle. Make a yarn over. Knit another loop from the same loop from which you knitted the first, but this time behind the front wall. Remove the hinges.
Step 4
Method 3.
In the first row, remove the loop without knitting it. In the second row (or after several rows), knit the purl over this loop. Such loops are very often used as a basis for knitting "lazy" patterns, that is, patterns of two colors, but created precisely due to elongated loops.
Combine different types of loops, create beautiful and amazing patterns and delight yourself and your loved ones with new handmade items. Good luck to you!