Modern fashion trends dictate the uniqueness and individuality of style. This can be achieved through original hand-made products, that is, made by hand. For example, jewelry made of beads or floss threads, or simply baubles, will help to complement any image.

It is necessary
beads, beads, thread, needle, fishing line, paper, pencil
Step 1
Before starting weaving, it is worth referring to the sketch of the future decoration. Firstly, it is necessary to clearly think over the pattern and colors, and, secondly, draw an approximate version of the baubles on paper.
Step 2
Then we start purchasing materials. It doesn't matter what is used - beads or floss - you need to buy a little more, "with a margin", since during the making of the baubles something can change.
Step 3
Also, in addition to the main materials, you will need a fishing line or thread (for beading), a needle. For floss - safety pins and scissors. Think about where to make your bauble. Nothing should distract or disturb, otherwise the work will not work.
Step 4
There are many bead weaving technologies. The simplest thing is the canvas. To create it, string the number of beads on a thread or fishing line, which will mean the width of the bauble. Pull a thread or fishing line through the penultimate bead - the last one we typed will become the first in the second row. Then we pass the fishing line or thread through the first bead of the new row. Then we string another one and connect it with the penultimate bead of the first row. Thus, we finish the second row, and we do the third and subsequent rows by analogy.
Step 5
For weaving from floss threads, you need to make a blank of eight threads. The length is determined as follows: we increase the true size of the future baubles by four and a half times. Then you need to fasten the threads - make a knot, retreating a small distance from the ends, and pin with a pin. The weaving technique itself is quite simple. With the thread on the right of us, we tie a knot on the thread on the left. Then we do this sequentially to the very edge. Thus, the first row is formed. It turns out that during weaving, the threads change places. We begin to weave the second row, in which the sequence will be exactly the same as in the first row. Further, the process is simplified - weave in the same way until the bauble reaches the desired length. We intertwine the ends with a slant so that they do not fray.