What Is Photogenicity

What Is Photogenicity
What Is Photogenicity

Everyone wants to be good in photography. Many articles have been written on how to achieve this. But some do not need articles and advice … They just need to turn to the camera and the magic begins. But getting a little more photogenic, however, is possible!

What is photogenicity
What is photogenicity

Almost everyone can do well in photography. But someone will have to try hard for this, and another, not very attractive in life, looks amazing in any frame. Perhaps this is a special gift of a person - photogenicity.

Photogenicity is a subjective assessment of the presence of external data favorable for display on a movie screen or photograph. The terms "photogenie" (FR. Photogenie) and "photogenic" (FR. Photogenique) began to be used as theoretical concepts in French cinema literature of the 1920s by Louis Delluc (author of "Photogeny") and his followers.

Director Jean Epstein gave the following definition of photogenic: "I will call photogenic any aspect of things, beings and souls that multiplies its moral quality through cinematic reproduction." From French, the term "photogenic" in this sense is borrowed into other languages, including English. In the USSR, the theoretician of photogenicity in cinema was Lev Kuleshov.

But photogenicity is difficult to describe in dry and imprecise words. Remember yourself, there are people who are not very literate or talented, not very interesting in communication or charming, but as soon as they appear in front of a photo or video camera, magical shots are obtained, full of meaning and leaving a deep impression on the audience. And this despite the fact that the model can just stand, unkempt and unpainted. And the other model, so to speak, non-photogenic, will not be helped by the most professional make-up artist, nor any photo correction in graphic editors.

How to become more photogenic? I must say that in photogenicity, experts note the psychological aspect. A psychologically squeezed person, shy of his face and figure, will never receive his successful portrait, even from the most talented photographer, if he knows that he is being photographed. Therefore, if you really want to have your own good portraits, you should practice communicating with strangers, perhaps get a modeling practice (learn from modeling courses). Self-esteem is also very important, because an eternal guilty smile will ruin any impression. We must not forget about the correct selection of the image, it should be natural for the model. It is worth working on facial expressions as well. Otherwise, the insincerity, absurdity of the image, facial expressions, will make even the most handsome and more or less photogenic person simply unpleasant.

And more … Try to be photographed by different photographers. Maybe the problem with bad shots is not in the model at all?