Despite the availability of digital photographic equipment, film cameras have not gone out of use. Art lovers often prefer them. In addition, old devices are indispensable for scientific photography and where documentary accuracy is needed. Charging such a camera requires some skill, so it makes sense to practice on old film first.
It is necessary
- - camera "Zenith";
- - cassette;
- - film;
- - charging sleeve;
- - measuring ruler;
- - a dark room.
Step 1
Prepare the film. Now they most often go on sale already loaded into a cassette. But there may also be a film in a roll, which must first be loaded into a cassette. Perform this operation in complete darkness - in a dark room or using a charging sleeve. A bathroom is suitable as a dark room if you hang or plug all the cracks in it.
Step 2
Measure out the roll of film. It is rolled up with an emulsion layer inward. To do this in complete darkness, use a ruler. In order to get a 36-frame film, measure 1, 38 m. It is advisable to make a ruler in advance, and cut it off in complete darkness. Roll the cut piece of film with the emulsion inward. Cut the end of the film at an angle with scissors so that a tip or tab is formed with an angle of approximately 90 ° or slightly less.
Step 3
Open the cassette and remove the spool from it. Take the spool with your left hand so that the axial protrusion on one of its ends is directed towards you. Insert the tab of the film into the slot on the axis and wind the film onto the spool so that the emulsion layer is directed towards the core.
Step 4
Insert the spool into the cassette and close the lid. In this case, the film should come out through the side slit of the cassette body without bending or breaking. Leave the charging end of the film about 6 cm long outside.
Step 5
Insert the cassette into the camera. This can be done in the light. Remove the camera from the leather case, if there is one. To do this, unscrew the screw located at the bottom of the casing. Open the rear cover of the Zenith by opening the latch on the side. To insert a cassette, pull out the film rewind knob at the top of the camera to its full length. Insert the cassette into the slot so that the spool protrusion is at the bottom and the film's charging end is on the frame window.
Step 6
Pull out the required amount of film and insert the charging end into the spring clip of the take-up drum. It is necessary to take into account that the Zenith receiving drum winds the film with an emulsion layer outward. After pulling back the cocking hook of the shutter and film feed, make the first turn and make sure that the film is wound on the take-up drum without skewing. The protrusions of the toothed drum must fit exactly into the holes in the perforations. If they do not go there, press the notched drum stop button, which is located at the top of the machine between the film counter head and the exposure setting head. Guide the drum through the perforation holes by hand. Close the back cover of the camera. Rewind and expose 2 frames as they are already blown out when charging. Set the frame counter to 2, taking into account that two frames have already been exposed.