In general, all dreams about potatoes usually do not promise any special joys, because potatoes are an unremarkable vegetable, without a special taste and color, it cannot be regarded in a dream as some kind of unearthly delicacy that portends tremendous success.

Potatoes in dreams
Usually, dreams about potatoes tell people more about some kind of routine work that they have to do in the near future, or just about the bleak gray days.
In reality, growing potatoes is a monotonous labor: planting, hilling, digging, etc. Therefore, dreams about potatoes are usually directly related to physical work or just a career, and often potatoes in dreams mean empty work or just boring. And, perhaps, in such a dream, your personal dissatisfaction with your work was simply reflected.
However, all this is just a general idea of dreams about this vegetable.
In fact, potato dreams can mean so much more. You will understand this if you try to disassemble them more carefully point by point and remember all, even the smallest nuances of your dream.
Why do people dream of potatoes
Often, a potato seen in a dream is an auspicious sign. Although certain details of sleep can be interpreted in different ways.
If you dreamed that you were digging potatoes, and the harvest is very plentiful, most likely this means that in the near future all your efforts will be appreciated and rewarded. A person who dreams of a family, having seen such a dream in the near future, will meet his soul mate.
But if in a dream you are harvesting a bad harvest of potatoes, this means that there is a lack of money ahead of you.
If, at the same time, dig up potatoes on your site - to wealth, and if in an open field - to disease.
If you did not dig out a crop in a dream, but, on the contrary, plant potatoes, this means soon health problems: in particular, in the back area.
If you dream that you are eating potatoes, perhaps this promises in reality a profit. For a woman, such a dream portends a career advancement. Boiled potatoes dream of a modest but happy life, and fried potatoes dream of a wedding.
The dream in which you peel potatoes means that soon you will have a new acquaintance, and in this person you will be disappointed in the near future.
If you dream about rotten potatoes, this is already an unkind sign, which, most often, means that soon your life will not change for the better.
And if you dreamed about potato peel after peeling, it portends the arrival of guests from afar.
Thus, you probably already realized that there are many interpretations of dreams about potatoes. Perhaps you had various fragments related to potatoes in your dream. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the main ones, read their meaning, and then clarify the interpretation of sleep with additions.