Monstera gourmet is a plant of the aroid family. There are about 50 types of monstera in total. Despite its wild origin, this plant is firmly "rooted" in apartments, houses and offices, loved by flower growers for its greatness and beauty.

Monstera gourmet is a liana with airy roots and dark green unusual leaves. In young plants, the leaves are heart-shaped and not separated, while in old plants they are perforated, large. Sometimes, if the plant does not have enough light, then the leaves may be without holes.
Monstera loves warmth and light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Penumbra is ideal for her. The soil in color should be constantly moist, moisture permeable well.
Monstera is a delicacy, being a native of the American rainforests, we know it as a houseplant. It is often called an office flower. It is, indeed, very convenient for the office, since with good care this flower forms a lush, powerful bush with beautiful, unusual leaves that adorn any room.
You can safely fertilize the monster. Ideally, this should be done every 14 days.
Since the monstera does not have a main stem, it needs a good support to form a beautiful bush.
Wash or wipe the monstera leaves at least once a month. This is necessary to improve gas exchange. So the leaves will shine, have a rich, bright color. In addition, since the monstera loves high humidity, it must be sprayed.
The plant propagates by imported seeds, shoots or sprinkling the vine with earth.