The heroes of the animated series "School of Monsters" are pretty and lovely girls. However, they are the children of characters from famous horror films and various horror stories. So Frankie Stein is the daughter of a terrible monster created by Dr. Frankenstein. But in spite of everything, modern girls fell in love with this doll and want to learn how to draw Monster High in stages.

Step 1
Draw a circle and two lines on it, on which Frankie's eyes and nose will be located. Draw a line for the neck to where the doll will have the bottom of the skirt, mark it with a curved line. Add marker lines for the shoulders and arms. Draw two pentagons like in the photo - the ribcage and the thighs. Add curved lines for the legs.

Step 2
Draw in the details of the face. Draw the girl's upper eyelids with eyelashes between the marking lines, and a nose between the eyes. Contour the oval of the face and neck of Monster High Frankie Stein.

Step 3
Do not forget to add to the picture the screws screwed into the girl's neck and the scars on her face. Draw the hair and elements of the jacket.

Step 4
Complete the drawing of Frankie's blouse: sleeves and collar. Draw the fingers on the hands. Paint over some of the strands of hair, thus giving them volume.

Step 5
Apply the small skull emblem to the jacket. Draw the Monster High skirt as shown in the image. Draw the lines of the legs.

Step 6
Dress up your Monster School doll in high heels. Do not forget about the small stitches from Dr. Frankenstein's operations on the girl's legs.

Step 7
Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to draw Monster High in stages, with this instruction you should succeed. If you wish, you can color the picture with a simple pencil, or add bright colors to it with the help of felt-tip pens.