Flowers create a special atmosphere, comfort in the house. Taking care of them, people forget about their problems, because they are pleasing to the eye and create a positive psychological attitude. How can you be sad if you have a blooming hibiscus in front of you?

Hibiscus or Chinese rose likes to stand in the light, then the plant blooms more readily. Its history is connected with China, hence the name.
Hibiscus is very sensitive to watering. If a little or a lot of moisture can shed the buds. He does not like it when it is turned or put in another place before flowering, in this case, you can lose flowers.
This plant is propagated as follows:
1. First, good shoots are selected (most often these are the tops of branches cut after flowering).
2. Prepare fresh soil, specially prepared for this or bought in a flower shop. A small plastic pot is filled with earth. Then it can be put into ceramic. The first (plastic) has a hole at the bottom for water drain.
3. It is advisable to put drainage (expanded clay) at the bottom of the ceramic pot. One or two handfuls will be enough so that the water at the bottom of the pot does not stagnate, but is absorbed.
4. After that, plant a shoot with no more than 5-6 leaves and immediately cover it with a glass or glass jar. This is done in order to maintain humidity and temperature, because hibiscus takes root best at a temperature of 25 - 30 degrees Celsius.
5. After 1-2 months, you can remove the glass, new leaves begin to appear on the plant.
If you want the plant to be lush, you need to pinch the tops, then side shoots appear.
With good care, the rose usually blooms in the first year. A plant two to three years old has up to 50 buds, which turn into beautiful, huge, five-petalled flowers.