The plant, known as tiger begonia, has another name - the boveri begonia "Nigramagra". This flower, originally from Mexico, lacks a common stem, but rather creeping stems lying on the ground. They reach 15-20 cm.

Up to 1500 species of begonias are known in the world, the sizes of which range from three centimeters to three meters. Many of them are bred for their beautiful leaves and flowers.
Begonia blooms in winter and spring.
Tiger begonia has heart-shaped leaves with dark brown specks and stripes along the leaf veins. The creeping stems break easily if they are inadvertently pushed apart. This type of begonia blooms with white flowers. The flower loves light and good watering. With high humidity and fertilization every two weeks, begonia quickly "spreads", so it is necessary to cut off the stems in order to have a good bush.
The unusual color of the leaves makes this species a favorite for many people.
You need to propagate this flower with cut stems, up to five centimeters long. You can plant directly into the ground. Lumpy soil (a mixture of peat, garden soil and sand) is most suitable for these purposes. Then the plant must be placed in the shade, at a temperature of 18 - 22 degrees Celsius, and watered with soft water, without flooding the flower. The appearance of new leaves will indicate the rooting of begonia.
Tiger begonia grows in a lush bush, so it is best planted in a flat pot or vase.