How To Grow Bakery

How To Grow Bakery
How To Grow Bakery

Maklura, she is also an Adam's apple, in natural conditions for her reaches 14 meters in height. Its emerald crown takes on a bright yellow color with the onset of autumn. The decorative look of this tree is given by unusual flowers of a light green color in the form of earrings.

How to grow bakery
How to grow bakery

Characteristics of maklyura

The genus maklyur, which includes 15 species of thorny trees, shrubs and lianas, has spread throughout the warm corners of our planet. Both male and female plants form flowers, which are usually greenish in color, most often they are located in groups or collected in clusters. Female plants, after flowering, form wrinkled fruits of a pale green color. It was during this period that the tree takes on its most spectacular appearance, when large fruits up to 15 cm in diameter flaunt on it, similar to oranges. The wood of maklura is strong and flexible enough, therefore, in ancient times, arrow bows were made from it.

Growing maclura

Maclura is a rather unpretentious plant. It grows vigorously and quickly reaches the fruiting period. An adult plant is able to withstand short-term high air temperatures in winter, young shoots are more thermophilic and suffer from severe frosts. There are examples of grub cultivation in central Russia. In such conditions, the tree, of course, cannot reach a height of fourteen meters, but fruiting will be regular. Open areas in areas with hot summers will be ideal for its growth. Maclura is not demanding for the type of soil. Its roots go into the deepest layers, which allows the plant to easily tolerate any drought. This plant is not afraid of strong winds. It is not afraid of polluted air either.

Maclura care

Further care of the plant is simple. Maclure needs regular watering, the soil around it should be loose and free of weeds. Small seedlings need to be covered for the winter, adult plants are more hardy. Once every three to four years, the tree needs a lot of pruning. due to its active growth, its crown quickly becomes too thick. First of all, you need to cut off old, dry and inward-directed branches. This is very important because bakeware is a very light-loving plant, and too thick crown will lead to a decrease in the number of ovaries.

Reproduction of maklyura

There are quite a few ways to breed maklura. This can be done with seeds, cuttings, root suckers or cuttings. The easiest way to reproduce is by seed. It is advisable to plant them in the fall, because only fresh planting material gives seedlings. It is better to soak the seeds extracted from the fruit before sowing overnight in warm water. They need to be planted in a nutritious soil, in such a way that shoots will appear only from half of the planted seeds, because they have poor germination. After the appearance of two true leaves, the seedlings are seated in separate containers. In spring, seedlings are planted in open ground. Reproduction by layering, offspring and cuttings is done in the spring.
