Sculptures bring the garden to life, transforming it into a fairytale kingdom. If you buy them in a store, you will have to shell out a lot of money. Made with your own hands from improvised material, they will cost several times cheaper, and the pride in the successful result of creativity is incomparable!

Foam gnome
Gnomes are traditional garden figurines. You can create as many little people as you want from plastic bottles, polyurethane foam, wire, scotch tape. Start making a gnome out of an auxiliary material with a frame. Take two liter bottles and turn them into a boot base. To do this, at the level of the "shoulders" in each container, make a 5 cm cut. Place the bottle horizontally on it, lift the part with the cork up a little. It was the toes of the gnome's boots that lifted up so much.
Seal the hole, leaving the bottle in this curved position, tape it up and place it back on the incision. Having risen from the bottom of the container to the side of the neck by 7 cm, make a small cross-shaped incision in order to subsequently insert the neck of another bottle into it. Fill the boot with polyurethane foam through this hole. Do the same with the second bottle. Two boots are ready.
Now place a 2-liter bottle with the neck down in the hole of each. Tape them to your boots. Now make the palms of the fairy character. To do this, fill garden gloves with polyurethane foam, leave it to harden for 20-25 minutes.
Place an empty 5 liter plastic canister upside down on two feet. Secure these parts with duct tape. In the upper part of the bottle, on both sides, at shoulder level, make 2 holes with the tip of a knife.
Cut the gloves, take out the frozen palms. Cut off the bottom of a liter bottle, insert a wire about 50 cm long into it, string a piece of your palm on it. Next, insert the neck of the bottle into the hole of the 5-liter canister, pass the wire through it and take it out through the other hole. Also lay a liter bottle and a palm blank to it. Secure the base with tape. Attach the top of the same bottle, but cut in half, to the neck of a 5-liter body bottle, also secure with tape.
Take polyurethane foam, cover the entire figure with it from head to toe. Fill the canister head through the top, ending with a triangular gnome cap. Give him a beard out of the foam. Let it dry, cut off the excess with a knife so that a nose, eyelashes appear on the face, and the body, arms and legs become the correct shape. Cover your artwork with acrylics. A garden sculpture from available tools is ready.
More ideas
Garden figurines can be made literally out of nothing. Color the large, round stones in the shape of ladybugs.
Tear off a burdock leaf and place it on an inverted bowl lined with cellophane. Prepare a mortar with 1 part cement and 3 parts sand. Cover a sheet with it, let the concrete dry, paint the sheet green.
You can also make a garden sculpture of a giraffe quickly. Dig an old tire halfway into the ground. Shoot down a small and large block in the shape of the letter "G", dig it into the ground nearby. This is the neck and head of a giraffe. Cut out his ears from a plastic bottle, nail to the base. Make a tail out of the wire, paint the base with yellow and brown paint.