How To Make A Snow Sculpture

How To Make A Snow Sculpture
How To Make A Snow Sculpture

Table of contents:


Snow sculptures can decorate not only a playground and a winter park, but also delight you and your children. Snow is a natural malleable material, so snow figures can take any form - images of animals, birds, people, machines. And here the main thing is your imagination.

How to make a snow sculpture
How to make a snow sculpture

It is necessary

  • - wooden board;
  • - construction stapler;
  • - knife or scraper;
  • - water;
  • - food colorings;
  • - spray gun.


Step 1

Sketch the upcoming sculpture on paper. Think about what height, shape, color it will have. First, mold a conceived plasticine figure to have an idea of how it will look on the street.

Step 2

Take wooden boards with a larger diameter than the future sculpture. Fasten the shields together to form a hollow square box. To prevent the shields from dislodging under a layer of heavy snow, the fasteners must be strong. Use a construction stapler for this.

Step 3

Take some snow, throw it into a box and tamp it down thoroughly. Repeat this procedure until the box is filled with snow. The denser the snow is, the higher the chances that you will be able to cut out the smallest details.

Step 4

When the box is fully compacted, leave it for 1-2 days to compact the snow. If this is not possible, wait at least 3-4 hours.

Step 5

Remove shields and remove excess snow using a large knife or a well-sharpened scraper. Draw basic shapes for your figure.

Step 6

To create additional details, water the shape with "snow dough". The ice crust that forms on the figure will protect its shape. For "snow dough", take a bucket of water half full, put clean snow without any sand and earth impurities and stir. Use reinforced rubber gloves available from any hardware store.

Step 7

The snow figure will take on a finished look after you color it. Take the food coloring you need color, dilute it with water, fill a plastic bottle with the solution and screw a regular spray bottle from any detergent to it. It is better to use food coloring - it will not harm the environment after the sculpture has melted.

Step 8

You can decorate a snow sculpture with pieces of colored ice. Freeze the tinted water in special molds and then decorate the sculpture to your liking.
