The most beautiful sculptural items can be made from soft ornamental stone, the deposits of which are abundant in the Urals. They can be different in size, but this does not change the spectacular appearance.

To make a sculpture out of stone, you need a certain set of tools. When working with hard stone like marble, granite, diamond discs, diamond drills are used. For a soft ornamental stone, equipment is required simpler.
Sculptures can be abstract, realistic and more - depending on how the master stonecutter wants. First, you need to choose a model according to which the work will be performed - it can be a figure sculpted from plasticine, clay, etc. Measurements are taken from the sample figure and transferred to a selected piece of stone.
Initial processing, the roughest part of the job, can be done using a conventional grinder and diamond discs. With their help, everything superfluous is cut off from a piece of stone. For the next stage of work, it is better to equip a simple machine with a belt drive, where the working part will be a cutter nozzle, with which a soft ornamental stone can be processed in more detail.
The processing of smaller parts is carried out using files, chisels of various shapes and sizes, and a hand drill. Finally, the product is polished using special sponges, sometimes the stone is tinted to improve its appearance with special compounds that help preserve the natural beauty of the stone and at the same time make the imperfections less noticeable. Some products are covered with heated paraffin. The resulting sculpture is polished to a shine.
Working with stone involves a lot of dust during processing. Therefore, all work must be carried out in a specially equipped room with ventilation. Craftsmen should use protective equipment such as goggles, respirator, special clothing.