Over time, most housewives accumulate a hundred of their favorite recipes for various dishes, numerous tricks and subtleties of cooking some products, advice from friends and masters, and much more are added to them. Agree, I can't remember everything. It's time to start thinking about creating your own cookbook.

Step 1
Buy a thick checkered notebook from a stationery store. The one on the spring is best suited - it turns pages more easily in it. A notebook with removable blocks is also good. You can always add additional sheets, besides, blocks with multi-colored dividers are sold, which is very convenient.
Step 2
Stock up on colored markers, a simple pencil, fountain pen, ruler, eraser. Number the pages. Determine the required number of partitions. The best way to start a book, like any meal, is with snacks and salads. The second section is usually devoted to first courses, followed by second courses and side dishes, then desserts and drinks. Highlight a separate section for recipes for winter preparations, medicinal decoctions and tinctures.
Step 3
On the first page, draw a table of product measures, so you will always have it at your fingertips. Design each section of the book in your own style and scale. On the first page of the section, glue a strip of colored paper of the corresponding color. It will be more convenient for you to navigate in the records.
Step 4
Rewrite your recipes carefully by sticking to the sections. Do not try to write down in detail unless absolutely necessary. Use common abbreviations such as Art. - glass, tbsp. - a tablespoon. Make notes in front of foods you or your family members especially love. Write down observations about the preparation or composition of the food, its features.
Step 5
At the end, write out a summary. Be sure to bookmark the tape, attach it to the back cover. Design the cover of your cookbook as your imagination dictates. You can paste over it with pictures on a culinary theme, fabric flowers or sequins and beads. If you wish, you can also decorate each section, take photographs of certain dishes prepared by you, paste them into a book.