The horse on a stick will become the main participant in any boy's funny games. And if you make a few more horses, then a small squadron can go on fun races.

It is necessary
- - 1/2 m white fleece;
- - colored fleece;
- - batting (holofiber);
- - threads;
- - pole (stick);
- - shreds of black felt or fleece;
- - pins;
- - scissors;
- - glue
Step 1
Draw a template and scale it to specific sizes. Place the unicorn head pattern on top of two layers of fleece and trace along the outline. Follow the same operation with the pattern of the two ears and horn.

Step 2
Choose a lilac color for the inside of the ears, and white for the outside. Cut out all the elements, leaving a 1.5 cm allowance around the entire perimeter. Sew with the sewing machine around the entire shape of the head, leaving an open area at the bottom, and correct.

Step 3
Next, make a horn. Cut a rectangle by folding it in half, cut off a corner to make a triangle. Round off the base. Sew along the cut, turn out the cone.

Step 4
Also sew the ears, leaving the flat edge open at the bottom. Turn right out. Take a square piece of fabric, in the middle of which put a lump of batting (holofiber), make a ball at the end of the stick, securing it with a thread from below.

Step 5
Using the fixture you created, start stuffing the unicorn's head, trying to distribute the filling evenly. Continue stuffing the neck until there is 7-9 cm to the base of the neck.

Step 6
Sew small stitches by hand with strong thread around your neck. Insert a pole into the base of the head (neck), pulling the thread, wrap it around with red tape to hide the thread marks.
Step 7
Make a mane. Choose fleece in three contrasting colors. Make 3 strips 15 cm wide and 75 cm long. Fold the wide strips on top of each other by machine stitching them together in the center.

Step 8
Cut the future mane with a fringe on two opposite sides, leaving 1.5 cm between the end of the segment and the center of the stitch line.

Step 9
Sew on the mane, starting at the base of the neck and continuing along the center seam until you reach the unicorn's forehead. Then fold the end back and secure the edge of the mane under the top layer.

Step 10
Attach the horn. Take a cone-shaped workpiece, sew up the bottom with a blind seam. With a strong thread, wrap it around the entire cone, pulling it tightly to create a spiral up to the top of the horn.

Step 11
Thread the needle and thread through the top of the horn and secure it securely with a knot. Fold the ears in half, colored side inward, and sew them to the head.

Step 12
Cut out cute eyelashes from a piece of black felt and sew or glue them onto the unicorn's face.